Brazil registered 28 incidents of violence against the press weekly

The Pope denounces the tragedy "too spread out" of deaths at work

This content was published on May 01, 2022 – 10:39 am May 01, 2022 – 10:39 am

Vatican City, 1 May (EFE) .- Pope Francis today denounced the deaths of workers in their workplaces, a “very widespread tragedy, perhaps too much”, he warned from the window of the Apostolic Palace on the occasion of May 1, day of the employee.

“Today is the Labor Party. May it serve as an incentive to renew the commitment so that everyone, everywhere, works decently and that the will to build an economy of peace comes from the world of work,” he said after the prayer to the Regina Caeli, who replaces the Angelus during the Easter season.

And he added in front of hundreds of faithful who listened to him from St. Peter’s Square: “I want to remember the workers killed at work, a widespread tragedy, perhaps too much.”

Pope Francis also had words for journalists around the world on the occasion of International Press Freedom Day, celebrated every May 3, lamenting the risks they face when they tell “the plagues of mankind.”

“I salute the journalists who pay in person to fulfill this right. Last year 47 were killed and more than 350 imprisoned. A special thank you to all those who are boldly informing us of the plagues of humanity,” he concluded. . . EFE


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