Unusual Behind the bathroom wall is an old fast food

Unusual. Behind the bathroom wall is an old fast food restaurant from the 1960s Le Progrès

This is an unusual discovery Rob made. While he was in the process of remodeling his bathroom and kitchen, he found some 60-year-old McDonald’s packaging stuck in the wall, the New York Post reported, based on posts by the retiree on the Reddit forum.

This resident of Illinois (USA) published the photos of the packaging of the menu and the old fries on the famous social network. He explained that he was in the process of removing some fixtures from his bathroom wall when he saw a piece of a bag sticking out of the plaster. He decided to take pictures to show his wife and that’s when he made this discovery.

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60 years in the wall

“It was rolled into a ball and you could see there was something else behind it. When unpacking we found the old McDonald’s bags. We were thankful that was all that was hidden,” he said. Rob wasn’t particularly attracted to the smell, but was surprised that there was “no sign of mice”.

According to the logos on the bags, the paper bags date from between 1955 and 1961. They were brought by the construction workers,” the pensioner suspected.

So it’s important to pick up your rubbish so that you don’t experience any nasty surprises later.