Guimê says he won’t ask for BBB 23’s brother’s elimination: ‘I disagree’ Splash

Speaking to Cara de Sapato in the BBB 23 (Globo) Leader’s Room, MC Guimê said he would ask Ricardo not to be eliminated.

Guime: “If I order it will be for two. I will probably order for Lari and Facinho”;

shoe:”Yes, Facinho chooses me”.

Guime: “Both are my friends and they don’t vote for me. He’s a guy who has a reactive nature, but this situation where the guys were like ‘betrayal and stuff’ which I don’t really use… I don’t agree with that because for me it became that trio/trio thing difficult”.

The funk artist then pointed out that he’s also very fond of Fred Desimpedidos and doesn’t want to buy a side in the bullshit between the two.

Fred and Ricardo severed ties in the house after the biodoc pointed out that the “agreement” he had with Gabriel, Sarah, and Marvvila was no different than his relationship with Gustavo and Sarah.

Ricardo contests the 9th paredão of BBB 23 against Larissa, Cezar and Domitila.

POLL BBB 23: Who do you want to eliminate in Paredão?