Stone mode is still activated! This Tuesday, March 14th, the prize for the winner of BBB 23 totaled R$2,010,000. The value is already the highest in the history of reality and can rise even further, since the amount changes every week, so the guess of the brothers about the then eliminated.
That night of elimination came the guess of four brothers. Aline Wirley, Sarah Aline, Bruna Griphao and Gabriel Santana bet on Ricardo’s elimination but the brother stayed in with 29.22% of the vote. Larissa was ninth, eliminated with 66.75% in a quadruple wall also contested by Cezar and Domitila Barros, who received 0.76% and 3.27% of the vote, respectively.
As Tadeu Schmidt explained on the show, Stone immediately deposited R$20,000. Even if no one hits the eliminated, the amount adds up to R$ R$ 2,010,000.