Plakolm/Bernhuber: DiscoverEU application period starts today

Young ÖVP promotes the EU Commission Travel Pass for 18 year olds to travel around the EU for a month.

Vienna (OTS) – From March 15 to 29, EU 18 year olds can apply for a travel pass to travel within the European Union for 30 days. Since 2018, more than 200,000 young people have benefited from the program and on March 15th, the program will enter its next phase and 35,000 tickets will be available.

“DiscoverEU is a great program for young people across Europe to get to know the European Union, new people and cultures. It’s an investment in young Europeans. We want to encourage as many young people as possible to apply and take the opportunity to explore the EU by train and discover new cities”, say the Secretary of State for Youth, Claudia Plakolm, and the European Deputy, Alexander Bernhuber, at the beginning of the application period for DiscoverEU.

State Secretary for Youth and Young ÖVP Federal President Claudia Plakolm: “It is up to the young generation to shape the European Union of tomorrow. But only those who understand the EU can help ensure that tomorrow works better than today. DiscoverEU contributes to this .”

MEP Bernhuber said: “DiscoverEU is more than just a travel programme. It offers young people the opportunity to feel part of the European community and to learn the history of European capitals and regions. It is a unique opportunity for young European women and Europeans to educate themselves, broaden their own horizons and strengthen the European idea.”

All application information can be found on the DiscoverEU website:

Questions and contact:

Young ÖVP
Lichtenfelsgasse 7, 1010 Vienna
Mobile: +43 1 401 264 41
Email: [email protected]