For example, a kitten living in Turkey showed that cats are just as loving and affectionate little creatures as dogs by reacting cutely after being kissed by its owner Turk Zeki.
The cat and her owner can be seen on the living room sofa in a video shared on Turk’s TikTok profile on February 2.
The kitten is on the boy’s lap, so he turns to kiss her on the cheek. When he made the motion to turn his head, she closed her eyes, knowing what she was about to win. A cuteness!
Turk is sitting on the couch with his kitten. (Photo: TikTok Reproduction/@zekicbk)
But the best is yet to come… after she puts her head on his neck to get really close and still hug him. There’s a lot of love in there!
This pose was not on time, there are other videos where she does the same thing: she snuggles up to her human for a brotherly hug. This kitty is too much!
“My bond with animals isn’t just love, when I’m with them I feel really understood and with beings like me,” Turk explained in an Instagram post.
The boy kissing the kitten. (Photo: TikTok Reproduction/@zekicbk)
The scene is so beautiful that the publication reached more than 17 million views, 4.1 million reactions and thousands of comments full of affection.
“How much love! What a beautiful video, me and my fufynho were like, I miss him,” recalled one.
“There’s no love like cat love,” explained another.
Other netizens complained that their cats weren’t as affectionate as Turk’s cat.
“I do this to my cat and she runs away,” lamented one.
“Mine didn’t come with this ‘update,'” commented another.
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Sigh for this duo!
Are cats clingy? Turk kitten proved it! According to PetMD, when cats form a trusting relationship with their humans, they feel a true adoration for them, but often these displays of affection are subtle. Such as light headbutts, licking, “kneading bread”, showing stomach, short and soft meowing, purring and waiting for the owner at the door.
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