What does s future look like under new management Entertainmentr7com

What does ‘s future look like under new management? Entertainment.r7.com

Amauri Soares, new number 1 by Globo Fábio Rocha

Of course, from the moment Globo announced on Tuesday that Amauri Soares would also be director of Estúdios Globo in addition to his current duties, replacing Ricardo Waddington, many questions began to arise.

As a special case, the entire production area, between entertainment and dramaturgy, remains as it is or there may be changes. The trend is that nothing is changed at first without first sending a word of reassurance to everyone. Boost the morale of the troops, but also willingly face the existing problems.

Internally, Amauri is already being dubbed “the new Boni” due to the new and farreaching commitments the one who will take care of everything but journalism, naturally raising expectations as to who his key footholds will be .in the various fields. Whether it will form a group of notables, as Seu Bonifácio had done, or whether the current order of work will be maintained. As is well known, José Luiz Villamarin is well respected in dramaturgy.

The fact is that the announcement of Amauri Soares as head of Estúdios Globo was well received in several sectors. He is hardworking, intelligent and competent. He’s fought a lot to get where he is. But he must be provided with conditions so that everything happens conveniently and in a timely manner.


Just to clarify, at the former Globo, Boni was in charge of everything except journalism and advertising, but he had people under him he fully trusted who worked in different sectors.

In this case Daniel Filho in soap operas and Augusto César Vannucci in the series of shows.


José Luiz Villamarim will continue to lead the daily and weekly dramaturgy, according to Globo’s press office.

Of course, a lot can happen in the coming months due to the transition period at Estúdios Globo. But all in all, everything indicates that nothing will change.

Camila Pitanga has long been considered the villain of “Fatal Beauty” on Instagram

on the other hand

For official purposes, even with the departure of Silvio de Abreu, information from Warner Bros. Discovery is that the soap opera/teleseries project will be retained for HBO Max.

And that every effort will be made to ensure that Beleza Fatal, written by Raphael Montes, the first in the series, is performed in Brazil.


Those responsible also report that in view of the current events it is necessary to reorganize everything in their fiction department. And that casting jobs will be suspended.

Therein lies the danger. If little or nothing has changed in two years, there will immediately be enormous pessimism alongside uncertainty.

What a day!

Globo promoted the launch party of “Amor Perfeito” around 6pm, the same day as the announcement of the change of command at Estúdios Globo.

How to avoid the topic behind the scenes of the event? It didn’t.

need to recognize

There are people… And there are other people. It is impossible not to overlook the elegance of J. Junior, sports announcer, as he leaves Grupo Globo after 24 years with the company.

An example of education and professionalism. Cheer up and full of conviction of duty.

registration card

About the sports narrator, dear amigão, Paulo Soares is about to undergo a new operation on his spine, which will now decompress the nerves and allow a significant reduction or elimination of pain in his legs and feet. A whole team of doctors with him, very selfconfident and who see this procedure as a repairing cosmetic operation.

Internal tomorrow, tested at the end of the week and operated on Monday.

Mayana Neiva on her singing side

look at her

A bit gone from soap operas but always a very present name in series and films, now in a moment more dedicated to her musical side, Mayana Neiva has just released “Mumóvel”, a new track from a project she wants to present all.

The clip is on YouTube.


SBT already has an agreement with Amazon, its partner in the production of the telenovela The Childhood of Romeu and Juliet.

Well, there is interest in signing another similar venture for your entertainment. A reality show, for example. This can be Amazon itself or another company.

On top

This proposal to integrate TV with digital on SBT is very interesting. However, compared to the morning newspaper “SBT News”, the editors talk about the need for investments “for yesterday”.

It is necessary to improve working conditions. Criticism also of the material provided by the network.

short circuit

The commercial department’s interference in Rede TV’s programming! has caused inevitable shocks.

On the one hand, according to some, it doesn’t always bill at what it should, but the loss in program and ratings is incalculable. Incidentally, the recent decline can be attributed directly to this.


The information is that the new scenario was not ready yet, and therefore it was not possible to set the date of the changes that the “Jornal da Band” will receive.

The main one, announced at length, will be the entry of Adriana Araújo in place of Lana Canepa, who already left some time ago. There’s a certain uneasiness about it.

‘Hoje em Dia’ has disclosed a special report by Renata Alves


Record’s “Hoje em Dia” this Thursday will have as one of its attractions “Personagens do Brasil”, a special work by Renata Alves.

She traveled to the inland town of Uiraúna from Paraíba to meet a duo who are finding success on social networks. Larissa is the tutor and Dona Puma is the caramel mutt she adopted. The two put on a show in interpreting videos.

knock Knock

• Actress Valentina Couto was featured on Globo for Terra e Paixão.

• … also the actors Fred Garcia and Miguel Gallardo.

• Welder Rodrigues is going to Angola and Mozambique with his company “Melhores do Mundo” in July for presentations.

• Eliana taped an article for Domingo Especular about Record’s 70th birthday on Tuesday afternoon/evening with many surprises.

• Camila Smithz left Rede Brasil after many years to start a variety show at TV Vanguarda in Taubaté. She has always wanted that.

• Fábio Porchat is delighted with Anitta’s positive sign for his programme…

• … The recording has already been confirmed for the middle of next month.

• Ronaldo Fenômeno will star in Serginho Groisman’s next Altas Horas. Recorded on Tuesday.

• Reporter Valteno de Oliveira leaves the band…

• … But it’s about AgroMais from the same group, a Brasíliabased channel that focuses on news about the agribusiness.