Levante I will never marry again Pietro Palumbo is the

Levante: “I will never marry again. Pietro Palumbo is the most attentive parent of our daughter Alma Futura»

Ten years ago he sang “che vita di m.” with “Alfonso”. what is life now
“There is always something to complain about… But today my life is the opposite. In Alfonso’s time I was sad, frustrated. If anything, I miss the dreams now. Maybe my biggest goal is to keep what I have: I think that’s the hardest part.”

Levante, born Claudia Lagona, sits in a room at Warner Music in Milan. He wears a blue cardigan and a striped shirt that matches the socks. Always reacting to everything, surfing through the memories of a life he always lived with the past in mind, to the point of no return that was the death of his father. He was 9 years old and every day after that he was filled with an invincible nostalgia. Until February 13 last year, when Claudia’s eyes embraced a new world: the one remade by the birth of Alma Futura, her daughter, and Pietro Palumbo, her fellow lawyer. In between five albums (the most recent being Opera Futura), three novels, a broken marriage, a film (in which he makes a cameo appearance and signs the soundtrack), eight tours, two Sanremo Festivals and an X Factor by Judge.

When I say Lido Jolly?
‘Well, they didn’t even dedicate an umbrella to me, I don’t know, number 23: Levante. It’s the Playa di Catania bathing establishment where we used to go every summer with my family. We rented a cabin for a month. We responded to the stereotype of the Sicilian who goes to the beach with parmigiana and chops in the cooler. We were only able to take a bath after three hours and still wondered if we would survive».

His first memory?
‘One of the first is a run. I can still see the little blue shoes with the porthole, here they are (he shows a photo on his phone, ed.), and the good fortune to discover that I am capable. Then many images in my mother’s arms: I always wanted to be among the adults, to be lulled by their conversations».

Did you want to be a singer-songwriter when you were a child?
“Yes. My parents encouraged me: they made me the center of attention and asked me to do a show».

Then his father died.
“I was 9 years old and started writing lyrics in pain, so much so that when I went to see Teddy Reno in Ariccia, he said they were really sad for a 13-year-old girl.”

His name was Rosario.
“Before therapy I had a stern but sacred image of him. Death gives us this power to make beautiful the people who leave us. Then, through a path of research, I saw a father who was also very tough. I want to remember him with a whistle in his mouth as he teased me about the A’s I brought home from school. His obsession was with our academic performance, we were afraid of not being good enough. I brought this thing and to hide the feeling of inadequacy I showed myself tougher and more uncomfortable than I really was».

From Palagonia, where she lived until she was 14, she moved to Turin.
“It was a very long journey, by train, with my grandparents. We arrived on September 1st, 2001. I attended the Regina Margherita language high school, then I enrolled in economics, persuaded by my sister Rosalia, an engineer. After two months I switch to literature. After 10 exams and bad performances, my mom says: Think about it, maybe it’s time I drop everything and try to be a singer”.

She was good at encouraging them.
“The best mother in the world. He often gave me free choice, never pushy.”

So leave letters.
«Yes, but I still don’t give up and sign up for psychology: I only gave philosophy and English. I’m sorry I didn’t graduate. I thought I’d pick it up again, maybe history or philosophy. But exams scare me.”

He worked in a bar.
‘Drogheria: I was there from 10am to 5pm. The work was a necessity, I had accumulated too many fines: my parking space was always expired».

Have you ever thought about giving up?
‘Of course, maybe even in front of the grocery store. When I was in Leeds for the music and things weren’t going well, I had a moment of desperation. If I couldn’t have been a songwriter, I would have become an interior designer or an architect, I don’t know, but I would have found happiness anyway. Not realizing a dream cannot be a reason for despair».

She also got married: with Simone Cogo, musician.
«Yes, 2015. And we broke up in 2016, we were together for two years. are we still friends It was a marriage full of passion, in the Church we were blinded by love».

And what happened after that?
«Then I was afraid: ‘forever’ scared me… But he understood. I don’t want to marry anymore. Pietro, my partner, knows: our story is the longest I’ve had. And then there’s Alma: the strongest bond we could create.”

He said that among you he is the best parent. Why?
“He has great patience, he is the most attentive. I’m not afraid of Alma exploring the house, I don’t want to tell her my fear, I’m letting her go. He follows her everywhere. What an unworthy mother, eh…».

The most vivid memory of the birth?
«Pius X of Milan, my midwife says: “See you tomorrow”. Damn, I’m going to give birth on February 14th! I think. I can do everything in three hours: At 6 p.m. I held Alma in my arms. What a surprise when they put it on my chest…».

What if your daughter wanted to be a singer?
“I wish that she learns an instrument because it opens the mind, it is a door to freedom. And if she wanted to be a musician, I would support her. Unfortunately, this is a world that doesn’t forgive the “kids”. But it is obvious that a child picks up on what his parents are doing».

Who taught you to play?
“I taught myself. My father played the organ and my brother played the guitar.”

Once he opened the concerts of others: Max Gazzè, Paolo Nutini, Negramaro. Who will open their Arena di Verona on September 27th?
‘I haven’t thought about it yet. It might be nice to ask Galea who I discovered through my fan club. I then found her on the X Factor and eliminated her, but she forgave me.”

He duets with his myth Carmen Consoli, with Tiziano Ferro, with others. And how was it with your mother Maurizia?
“When I think of the courage he had to go on stage at the Assago Forum…”.

But did he at least pay for it?
“But we are mad! She came for friendship! All my relatives buy tickets for my concerts: it’s a nice thing. And then there are third-degree friends who ask for free entry…».

In Sanremo, the rankings have never rewarded her: she was 12th with Tikibombom and this year 23rd with Vivo. Sorry?
‘No, I had no expectations. I believe that the ranking reflects the times we live in: it is no coincidence that all the songs in the last five speak of love. I sing “I’m living an erotic dream”, I was anything but reassuring and I get it».

In Lecce he could not perform in the Piazza del Duomo for the song “I am Jesus Christ”.
‘I think I’m the only Italian artist to have had a seat removed from the Curia. I envied Manuel Agnelli very much: he had not succeeded in his thirty-year career».

When did you get most excited in the concert?
«In the Arena of Verona when I sang with Carmen Consoli on August 27, 2022. I was four months pregnant. I didn’t know the outfit was black, I was dressed in white: I go on stage and I find her dressed in white too. I even got the song wrong despite the hunchback, I was so confused. When I met her at MTV Days in 2010, I asked her if I could send her my music; then I don’t.’

Do you also receive CDs from up-and-coming singers?
‘Yes, I’ve accumulated batteries over the years, but I’ve heard them very little. While I read all the letters from my fans: they bring them to me to sign copies».

What is it like to act in a movie? He just did it in Pilar Fogliati’s «Romantiche»: the original soundtrack belongs to him.
‘I play myself and the scene has happened to me many times in my life: when I walk into a party and everyone turns to me. In these moments I would like to bury myself in a hole of six thousand meters ».

A reminder of the times of need?
“I had an attic room in the house I shared with my cousins ​​and another friend. I see myself opening the linen drawer and counting the money in the envelope, for rent, for groceries… It was never enough».

A whim that’s off the hook?
«In October, for Pietro’s birthday, I gave him a business trip to New York. We left with Alma and spent Halloween there in a hotel in Times Square».

loves to paint. Will he ever have an exhibition?
“It may not be long in coming.”

Will he sell his paintings?
“Why not. I want to have them rated first.’

Who else would you like to know about his myths?
«Alejandro Jodorowsky and Marina Abramovic: I would sing anything for them for free. I absolutely have to meet Jodorowsky! She told me what I’ve been doing since I was little.”

His most powerful psychomagic act?
“Music: I Saved Myself”.

He has almost 1 million followers. What effect does it have?
‘No one today. In the last few months I have read things I had forgotten could be written: criticism and baseless attacks».

do you mean her new hair?
“Yes. It’s okay to marvel at my color change, but I haven’t asked for advice or called a referendum. And then who said that Southern women have to be dark, have black hair and maybe even a mustache? I fight to accept the freedom of others to speak out on my decisions.”

Who are you most grateful for?
“To my mother. I wouldn’t be here without her.”