Heather Parisi QA with her daughter Jacqueline about her boyfriend

Heather Parisi Q&A with her daughter Jacqueline about her boyfriend Ultimo

Heather Parisi QA with her daughter Jacqueline about her boyfriend

Heather Parisi “talks” about Ultimo

Heather Parisi said she has a good relationship with all of her children and sees and hears from them regularly, even though they are scattered around the world, thereby denying the rumors that they wanted her away from her daughter Jacqueline, and when she was asked after Ultimo, she cut short: “Whose mother-in-law? I don’t know what you’re talking about. We made a pact in the family, nobody talks about private situations. I don’t talk about my story, let alone mine.” my daughter’s personal belongings. Gossip is like a mosquito bite: first it’s just a small spot, then it gets bigger and bigger as you start scratching. People enjoy these things, but gossip is not for me.”

The brusque response from Jacqueline, daughter of Heather Parisi

The 23-year-old daughter responded with a Story on Instagram after the interview: “I will always respect my mother, despite her absence from my life. I felt disrespected last night and forced to admit a sad reality that I personally would have preferred not to have shared. I haven’t seen my mother in 10 years. So I distance myself from everything that has been said. She knows nothing about my life except social networks like you. I ask that you respect my privacy, especially on such a sensitive subject. I’m just Jacqueline Luna and one day I want to be spoken about for what I will have created. For Jac who will work in the world of cinema”.

Heather Parisi’s new post

And her mother promptly responded to her on social media with a long and bitter post: “To buy time and try to sidestep a question I didn’t want to answer when I was asked: ‘Is she happy to be Ultimo’s mother be – parents-in-law” I answered: “By whom? I don’t know what you’re talking about”. Open my eyes. Hordes of demonic fans everywhere troll me for disrespecting their idol. Not only because I question his fame, but also because I want the story with mine ignoring my daughter. I know very well who Ultimo is and I would never allow myself to snub him. I also know that he hangs out with my daughter. The point is different. In my entire life I never have one Answer given gossip question about my privacy. Never. Why would I do it to my daughter? My evasive answer was nothing more than that hurt knows it very well and I add I believe with all my heart that the business of this rigua is rda family and family affections must remain within the family I believe that the morbid curiosity of people and d he newspapers on these issues is pure profiteering. My daughter Jacqueline thinks differently and uses social media to inspire empathy and get a few more likes. He does it knowing that I’ll take every hit without ever responding, and not because he couldn’t explain my reasons, but because that’s what a mother does: forgive and wait patiently. Unfortunately, the empathy of all those who drink from the sources of other people’s unhappiness, whether they be young people, mothers, the press, the fans of some of my peers, or the diverse and corrupted bestiary of vultures living off the pain of others, is not shared by moved by sincere closeness, but only by the will to hurt me. I wish with all my heart that Jacqueline would find other avenues to talk about outside of my name. He has the talent for it. To all who speculate on the pain and human misery of other people, have the courage to look within and ask yourself, without lying, whether you can accept your own misery.

The personal life of Heather Parisi

Parisi adds the hashtag #amolamiavita and the name of her husband Umberto Maria Azzolini, the entrepreneur she has lived with in Hong Kong for many years and father of her twins Elizabeth and Dylan, who were born in 2010 when Parisi was 50. Heather Parisi, born January 27, 1960, first married Giorgio Manenti in 1994, with whom she had their first child, Rebecca. After the divorce, in 2000, the showgirl became the mother of Jacqueline, girlfriend of the singer Ultimo, with whom there were rumors of a crisis at the time, which arose from the relationship with the orthopedist Giovanni Di Giacomo.