The fallout from the doctors strike could take weeks to

The fallout from the doctors’ strike could take weeks to resolve, NHS bosses say – BBC

  • By Nick Trigle
  • health correspondent

7 hours ago

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Doctors at a picket line in Swindon

The disruption caused by England’s junior doctors’ strike could take weeks to resolve, health chiefs say.

Tens of thousands of appointments and treatments, including cancer treatments, have had to be canceled during the three-day strike, which ends at 07:00.

Patients with upcoming appointments may be canceled to make room for high priority cases impacted by the strike.

Hospitals also report problems discharging patients from wards as consultants have been dispatched to cover A&E.

‘Big Job’

NHS Providers’ Saffron Cordery, who represents NHS trusts, said the scale and length of the strike, coupled with the fact that it started on a Monday – traditionally the busiest day of the week – made it more difficult than previous strikes by nurses and ambulances.

“It will take weeks to recover – just rebooking patients whose treatments and appointments have been canceled is a tall order,” she said.

“Patients need to be prioritized individually – this may mean that some patients with bookings will be further pushed back in the coming weeks.”

During the nurses’ strikes, some trusts reported up to a fifth of appointments being postponed – but those strikes only affected a third of NHS trusts each.

The strike by members of the British Medical Association affected all NHS trusts.

“I’m waiting in constant pain”

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Liz Slaughter says she is in constant pain and awaiting knee replacement

A year ago, Liz Slaughter had a total knee replacement that failed. After a second operation, the knee is dislocated. And despite further surgeries, the 60-year-old, from Worthing, Sussex, remains in significant pain.

Her appointment with a hospital counselor on Tuesday was canceled last week – and has yet to be rearranged.

“I’m in constant pain and can only walk for five minutes,” says Ms. Slaughter.

“It was really disappointing to learn that the appointment had been canceled – I had been waiting for this as it was a really difficult time for me.

“I understand why they are on strike. I don’t know if they’re entitled to the 35 percent salary increase and if that’s realistic. I feel sorry for them that they feel compelled to do this.”

“We can’t afford another strike”

“We really cannot afford another strike, for the good of patients and also for the finances of the NHS Trust,” she said. “Advisors were paid at high rates to provide cover.”

The BMA is calling for a 35% pay rise to offset wage increases that are 15 years below inflation.

On Saturday, its leaders turned down Health Secretary Steve Barclay’s last-minute offer to hold pay talks because he was unwilling to discuss an increase of that magnitude.

The government has proposed 3.5% for next year.

The BMA’s demands are “priceless”, Mr Barclay said, but he is keen to reach a “fair settlement”.

Matthew Taylor, of the NHS Confederation, which represents health managers, urged the BMA and the Government to find a solution and said he hoped another strike and disruption of this magnitude “never happens again”.

“The government and BMA must find a way out of their impasse,” he added.