Massimo Ciavarro in bed with Moana Pozzi intimate disaster quotHow

Massimo Ciavarro in bed with Moana Pozzi, intimate disaster: "How did it really go?"

In the 80’s everyone was crazy about him Massimo Ciavaro. “Half the women tell me they had my poster in their bedroom. I’m one of those dinosaurs that everyone recognizes. Today, however, characters are born and disappear,” says the actor in an interview with Il Corriere della Sera. However, Ciavarro admits that if in the films he made everyone fall in love, in real life it was exactly the opposite: “I had a girlfriend, I was always with her. After that I had a few years of nightlife: my most disgusting years”.

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With Moana Pozzi, the actor reveals: “I was only there for one evening. After ten law exams, I enrolled in an acting school, the Scaletta, she was there and too Buy a margarita, already very stressed like today. Moana was very shy, sensitive, from a good family, rich. We talked once and ended up in bed.” But the one who was going to be a red-light actress gave him a measly F. “He’s been writing that in his book ever since I hadn’t taken off my boxer shorts.

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With Isabella Ferrarihowever, continues Ciavarro, “never happened”. Nicole Kidman “She was very pretty but free from all temptation. We were shooting an Australian in Rome, she was very young, a high high horseall curly, deprive of each sex appeal. When we spoke to the director Sergio Martino, he said: I’m going to arrive, I’m going to have a great career… Sergio and I thought: look at this unfortunate woman. There was nothing between us. And then I was there EleanorWhat did I do as a clown?”