AK: Designing European industrial policy in a socio ecological way!

Sustainable prosperity requires fair distribution

Vienna (OTS) – The Chamber of Labor welcomes the reorientation of industrial policy presented today by the European Commission, the “Net-Zero Industry Act”, but calls for a sense of proportion and social standards.

The transformation of European industry towards climate neutrality must be politically controlled. A quick response to the US Inflation Reduction Act is important to accelerate Europe’s transition to a carbon-neutral economy and preserve quality manufacturing jobs.

It is positive that industry and production in the EU are strengthened. From an AK perspective, however, employee interests must also be taken into account: such as location and job security, co-determination on major transformation projects, and sufficient funds and opportunities for training and continuing education. In addition, the AK calls for a well-endowed EU sovereignty fund to offset regional distortions caused by the current subsidy competition between member states.

Direct interventions by the EU Commission in national approval procedures must be viewed extremely critically, in particular as no consideration is given to public interests, such as environmental protection should be taken. In addition, the “do no significant harm” principle must be suspended. This means that industry liquidation and conversion will take precedence over all other objectives. From AK’s point of view, however, procedural rights must not be violated and different goals must not be played off against each other. Furthermore, the public sector needs to be held more accountable than envisaged in the draft regulation: binding EU-wide standards are needed for public procurement that focus on social and ecological criteria for transforming the economy. AK rejects low-cost competition at the expense of the environment and social standards.

The AK is also clearly opposed to defining nuclear power as a climate-neutral technology, as proposed. A report by the Austrian Ministry of Climate proves that nuclear power can never be climate neutral. Neither production nor final storage is sustainable or eligible for funding. Austrian workers categorically refuse to classify nuclear energy as equivalent to renewable energies.

Questions and contact:

Vienna Chamber of Labor
Alexa Jirez
Mobile: +43 664 614 50 75
[email protected]