1679411535 No creativity After igniting Boninho for a recap of BBB

“No creativity…”; After igniting Boninho for a recap of BBB 23, Felipe Prior appears on the internet and makes a proposition


The exbrother commented on the reality show on his Twitter last Monday (20).

Photos: Playback/BBB/Gshow (left)  Instagram/Boninho (right)Photos: Playback/BBB/Gshow (left) Instagram/Boninho (right)

The exbrother tweeted last Monday (20th). Felipe Priorof BBB 20, spoke about the summary announced by Thaddeus Schmidt in the last formation of Paredão. According to the presenter himself, everyone who has already left the reality show with the exception of Bruno, MC Guimê and Cara de Sapato will have a second chance to compete for the prize.

“The person eliminated this week in Paredão goes straight to the House of Reunion. There she will join Larissa, Key, Fred Nicácio, Gustavo, Cristian, Paula, Tina, Gabriel and Marília. The two with the most votes will return to the game and compete for the BBB 23 prize. Both will return without immunity and will not take part in the Leader’s Test or Angel’s Test,” explained Tadeu.

> Photo: Playback/BBB/Gshow

For Prior, it doesn’t make sense to choose someone who’s already eliminated and has appropriated outside information: “I have to put up with annoying Fred (Nicácio) again. Man, Boninho made a big mistake here. There’s no going back to the game. It’s like The Farm where the guy leaves and the cousin comes in with a picanha to share with friends. Fine, if you want, I’ll bring you an Argentinian (pizza).”

A few hours later, the architect returned his opinion on the subject, proposing a bold strategy: “You could put the mothers of the participants. It would be cool to render more. Or everyone chooses a friend to participate together. So uncreative. They will put the same ones that Brazil took. Oh man, imagine Paredão in 2020 at 1.5 billion and I’ll be back,” he concluded.