Paul GrantThe actor, who starred in the films “Star Wars: Return of the Jedi” and in the “Harry Potter” saga, died this Monday at the age of 56 after being found in a train station London train.
According to police reports, he was found unconscious in the apartment on March 16 King’s Cross railway station; He had collapsed for no apparent reason and they were unable to save his life.
Emergency services arrived at the scene to try to give him CPR and later take him to the nearest emergency room.
However, upon his arrival at the hospital, he was pronounced brain dead and news of his death had already gotten through his daughter Sophie Jayne Grant.
“I’m devastated, my dad was a legend in so many ways. He always brought smiles and laughter to everyone’s faces. My father, I love you so much, sleep well.”
Who Was Paul Grant?
Grant played everything from an Ewok to a greedy goblin. He shared the credits with David Bowie in “Inside the Labyrinth” and took part in the George Lucas film, ‘Pasture’ and in ‘Legends’.