«Lazza you fell really deep for me” or “Lazza you are real disappointment». A tweet was enough to increase that controversy on social media. The runner-up of the last Feast of Sanremo found himself in the middle of a shitstorm in minutes after showing what appears to be, permit against the unfortunate sentence said by Vittorio Sgarbi live at Sunday In during the last episode. But let’s go in order.
Vittorio Sgarbi shock on Domenica In: «The girls of 2000? All bitches.” Frost in the studio, Mara Venier angry
Lazza targeted by haters
“Sgarbi as a father, that has to be repeated every now and then,” it says on Twitter, which the “Cenere” author published in the last few hours Twitter. Although no video was attached, users immediately linked the rapper’s reflection to the art critic’s unfortunate and vulgar joke.
guest of Mara Venier, said Vittorio Sgarbi: «The girls of 2000? All bitches.” An insulting phrase aimed at women who did not please the viewers at all, who quickly hit back on social media to comment on her speech and harshly criticized her. An episode that will certainly not be forgotten.
And sure enough, within minutes, Lazza’s comment was attacked and condemned by users: “But please delete that shit,” one wrote. “Aren’t you ashamed?” wrote another. “I’m really very disappointed with these words from you, I never expected that from you,” emphasized a fan of the rapper.
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