1679442140 National Tourism Map with new routes is presented in Nicaragua

National Tourism Map with new routes is presented in Nicaragua (+photo)

Managua, March 21 (Prensa Latina) The Co-Director of the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism (Intur), Anasha Campbell, presented here today an update to the national map of this portfolio, which now includes 12 new tourist routes.

The head of Intur recalled that this map is a digital tool launched in 2016 that is being updated to promote new tourist attractions in this Central American country.

From the Olof Palme Convention Center in this capital, Campbell explained that among the 12 new routes, the Segoviana stands out, made up of the departments of the northern region: Estelí, Madriz and Nueva Segovia.

National Tourism Map with new routes is presented in Nicaragua

Regarding this area, the minister specified that, in addition to the beauty of the mountains with a cool climate, it is also the only geo-site in the Central American region.

The new tourist areas are located on the Matagalpinas and Jinoteganas routes, where visitors can enjoy agritourism and nature tourism with a variety of attractions.

According to the government official, tourists can also visit the route of the historic cities of León and Granada, which stand out for their architectural beauty, history, culture and traditions.

“You can also tour the Route of Volcanoes and Crater Lagoons, which offer a variety of activities that tourists can do in protected areas,” he said.

Campbell pointed out that as part of the update, there are changes in the graphic line whose logo invites families and visitors to navigate the www.mapanicaragua.com website with the digital tool.

The leisure industry has expanded here, thanks to the importance that the Sandinista government attaches to strengthening this sector, which is one of the country’s most important economic activities.

According to official figures, the sector generated 259 million dollars in foreign exchange earnings in the first half of 2022 alone.
