A VOIR This Japanese pitcher makes his teammate look bad

[À VOIR] This Japanese pitcher makes his teammate look bad

Young Japanese helper Taisei Ota put on quite a show Monday night by shutting out the Mexicans in the ninth inning, but his presence on the mound was noted for something else as well.

He made teammate Takumi Ohshiro look bad. The latter found himself after several changes in offense and defense in the last inning. He was the third receiver to come into play for Japan.

And poor thing, he quickly realized that catching Taisei Ota’s ball is impossible. His recordings move so much that it is incomprehensible.

By the time he’s 23, Taisei Ota will likely interest several major baseball clubs if he hasn’t already.

Ohta fired 97mph fastballs that moved practically like a breaking ball, but in reverse. The batsmen looked crazy and so did the catcher. See what happened here: