The pandemic has led to a decline in drug useThat is now Return to pre-Covid levels. It documents it score study who analyzed the for some years Traces of drugs in sewage in Europe. Milan and Bolzano, the only two Italian cities participating in the project, which includes 110 urban centers in the EU, are confirmed as average. Between Milan and Bolzano lies the cannabis and cocaine. The data now published relate to spring 2022.
Cocaine, high consumption in South Tyrol Cocaine use is higher in both South Tyrol and Tyrol than in eastern Austria, where speed and crystal meth are most popular, particularly in the capital, Vienna.
Cananbis, Bolzano and Milan in the European average The situation is similar with cannabis: Bolzano and Milan are also within the European average for this substance, while they are at the bottom for MDMA, methamphetamine and amphetamine. No wonder Amsterdam tops the cannabis rankings in Europe.
In 2022, the increase in alcohol will also increase According to a statement from the University of Innsbruck, which was involved in the study, alcohol consumption will also increase significantly in 2022 compared to the years marked by the pandemic and lockdown. At the weekend, the use of legal and illegal drugs increases.