What Senators Say About Ketanji Brown Jackson Bidens Supreme Court

What Senators Say About Ketanji Brown Jackson, Biden’s Supreme Court Nominee

Senate Democrats and progressive activists on Friday celebrated Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Supreme Court nomination, while Republicans promised a comprehensive but respectful review of the first black woman nominated for a Supreme Court seat.

“It is very important that any such candidate, including Judge Jackson, pass the most thorough and rigorous scrutiny,” Iowa Senator Charles E. Grassley, a senior Republican on the Judiciary Committee, said in a statement. “Our review will be as fair and respectful as it is complete and comprehensive.”

Democrats and their liberal allies portrayed Judge Jackson, a federal judge since 2013, as a flawless court candidate who would provide valuable experience as a former public defender and, in the words of Senator Chuck Schumer, a New York Democrat and Majority Leader, by “ensuring that for the Supreme Court to reflect the nation as a whole.”

“To be the first to make history in our country, you must have an exceptional life story,” said Senator Richard J. Durbin, Democrat of Illinois, who, as chairman of the Judiciary Committee, will preside over confirmation hearings for candidates who expected at the end of March. “Judge Jackson’s accomplishments are well known to the Senate Judiciary Committee as we confirmed her to the D.C. less than a year ago with bipartisan support.”

All 50 Senate Democrats voted for Judge Jackson when she was confirmed by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in June, and that same backing would have been enough to nominate her to the Supreme Court. The main question is whether it can win the support of the Republicans and how actively the party intends to fight this choice.

In a statement, Senator Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican and Minority Leader, noted that he opposed Judge Jackson last year and called her “the favorite choice of far-left dark money groups who have been attacking the legitimacy and structure of the court itself for years.”

But he and many other Republicans were uncharacteristically reserved in their criticism of Judge Jackson, which reflected the party’s stance. fear of appearing overly aggressive in an attack on the first black woman elected to the nation’s highest court.

“With that said, I look forward to the thorough consideration of Judge Jackson’s candidacy through the vigorous and rigorous Senate process that the American people deserve,” Mr. McConnell said.

Other Republicans focused on the timeline, with Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming, Republican No. 3 in the Senate, saying “it’s imperative that the Senate spend all the time it needs to carefully evaluate Judge Jackson’s track record and past decisions.”

The Republicans seemed intent on making it clear that they would treat Judge Jackson with respect and give a decent trial, even though most of them would likely oppose her elevation to the highest court. They said they were determined not to emulate the tactics of the Democrats, who they believe were unfair to Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh during his 2018 confirmation hearing when they filed allegations of past sexual harassment.

“No matter what,” said Senator John Cornyn, Republican of Texas and senior member of the Judiciary Committee, “Judge Jackson will be given the dignity and respect she deserves. The American people will see a very different process than the treatment of Judge Kavanaugh and other judicial candidates during the previous administration.”

Not mentioned was the Republican attitude towards Merrick B. Garland, President Barack Obama’s 2016 Supreme Court nominee, whose nomination they blocked for months, never holding a hearing and ultimately killing him.

This time around, some Republicans suggested they would not try to stall the nomination, such as by boycotting the hearings. Mr Grassley said he “had no intention of belittling the role of advice and consent, as Senate Democrats have done in recent confirmations. I intend to show up and do the work that the people of Iowa pay me to do.”

Democrats welcomed the nomination and promised swift confirmation.

“I know Justice Jackson will be a great Supreme Court Justice,” said Sen. Debbie Stabenow, Democrat of Michigan. “What an exciting time for our country.”

Brian Fallon, executive director of the advocacy group Call for Justice, said Judge Jackson was a “win-win” choice.

“Judge Jackson’s extremely broad experience at all levels of the judiciary, including in the country’s second largest court, will make her one of the most qualified candidates,” he said.

Zinell October, executive vice president of the American Constitutional Society, a leading progressive advocacy group, said the nomination resonated with her in particular.

“As an American, a lawyer, and a Black woman, I am especially proud of this nomination,” she said. “Seeing someone like me stand trial in the highest court of this country is long overdue.”