The Ibero-American Secretariat General (SEGIB) has published the 14th edition of the Report on the South-South and Triangular Cooperation in Iberoamerica 2022in the countdown to the XXVIII. Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government to be held in the Dominican Republic on March 25th.
The 2022 report collects, systematizes and analyzes as a whole 1,168 South-South and Triangular Cooperation Initiatives Exchanges between the 22 Iberoamerican countries and between these and developing countries in other regions of the world (up to 83) that took place during the 2020-2021 biennium, two years that coincided with the worst moments of the COVID crisis.
“This is an exchange volume that, while 30% lower than that of the previous biennium, 2018-2019 is truly remarkable when we consider that this collaboration took place in the midst of a pandemic,” he explained. Martín Rivero, SEGIB Social Cohesion and South-South Cooperation Sector Coordinator, during the presentation of the report.
One of the main contributions of this 2022 report is that identifies the strategies that Iberoamerican countries have promoted to make their South-South and triangular cooperation more dynamic and adapt to a pandemic situation and that it can also serve as a response tool to both the COVID crisis and other upcoming global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss or growing food insecurity.
The data are reflected a significant increase in CSS and Triangular in the area of health, which accounts for 25.8% of exchanges, an increase of 8.5 points from the 17.3% registered in 2018.
Likewise, the report highlights the important adaptability of Ibero-American countries in relation to the Instruments of cooperation in times of crisis. Beyond medium-term projects, the countries strengthened specific cooperation measures that can be more easily adapted to the virtuality of a pandemic period. So in 2021, Cooperation measures increased by 6 percentage points This equates to 19.3% of total exchanges, compared to 13.2% in 2018.
Regarding the triangular cooperation, the report analyzes a total of 121 initiatives carried out in Iberoamerica in this form of cooperation.
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during the presentation, Ibero-American Secretary General Andrés Allamand, He stressed the relevance of this report, which has established itself as a useful tool that allows countries to steer their cooperation policies and make informed decisions.
Add to allamand, that this report also projects “the essence of Iberoamerica”: a supportive region, rich in creative responses and experiences that deserve to be known, and that is precisely why we present it at the highest event of our community: the Summit of Female Leaders and Heads – and heads of government”.
The Iberoamerican Secretary General, Andrew Allamand; the Deputy Minister of Economy, Planning and Development of the Dominican Republic, Olaya Dotel; the Director of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID), Anton Leisas well as the Director of Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility of Ecuador, Juan Manuel Escalante and the Secretariat for Iberoamerican Cooperation, Lorraine Larios. Likewise the coordinator of the area of social cohesion and South-South cooperation of the SEGIB, Martin Rivero and the lead author of the SEGIB CSS and Triangular Report, Christina Xalma presented the main findings and conclusions of this latest edition.
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