The progress of the episode of Terra Amara aired on Canale 5 on Saturday, March 25, 2023 reveals that while Yilmaz tries to get in touch with Zuleyha, Demir takes it out on Hunkar…
Thanks to progress of the Channel 5 Turkish Soap Opera, bitter landwe find that in the bet shipment to 25th Marchat 14.10, Mujgan and Yilmaz give the happy announcement to Fekeli and Behice: they are about to become parents. Shortly thereafter, under the helpless gaze of the doctor, the entrepreneur leaves the house with the excuse that he has to go to the factory. Actually, The Akkaya arrives at the Yaman estateWhere waiting in vain for Zuleyha: The latter has decided not to speak to him. In the meantime, Hunkar’s horses fell illAnd Demir appears to be accusing his mother that I could not manage the villa in his absence…
Terra Amara Previews: Skip Yilmaz and Zuleyha’s Escape Plan…
Everything was ready for Yilmaz and Zuleyha’s escapebut something went wrong. While he had gone to the meeting point in time, he was in the hospitalto apologize and say goodbye to Mujgan forever. The doctorHowever, he anticipated itand stayed amazed confessed to him that he had discovered that he was pregnant. After recovering from the shock The Akkaya hastened away from the AltunHowever didn’t find it. The youngback to the estate called himthought something serious had happened to him and instead, to his great surprise and regret, found that the beloved was in his houseWhere he was having fun with his family. Apparently he had decided to stay with his wife.
Terra Amara Previews: Yilmaz and Mujgan make the happy announcement…
Yilmaz is still shocked at the thought that he will soon be a father, and that the child is not from Zuleyha. The ex-mechanic was about to elope with the woman he loves and always has loved, and instead finds himself still at the pregnant Hekimoglu’s side. The spouseswith two decidedly different moods, prepare to deliver the good news to their godfather and aunt, who will no doubt be more than excited…
Demir harshly scolds Hunkar in the March 25, 2023 advances of Terra Amara
After telling Fekeli and Behice that they will soon be parents, Mujgan sees the Akkayawith dark face, go away quickly. The girl looks after him with deep sadness and wonders why her husband doesn’t seem happy despite this good news. YilmazAs a matter of fact, always have a thought: the altun. With the excuse of having to go to the factory The entrepreneur goes to the Yaman mansionin the hope of being able to discuss with her; Zuleyhabut disappointed as she is she has not the slightest intention of parrying him. Meanwhile here demirwho doesn’t know what goes on behind his back between his wife and the hated Akkaya, he notices that the horses are sick. The lord of Cukurova, angry, takes it out on Hunkarwho accused her of not being able to manage the estate in his absence…
Let’s find out everything Weekly preview of Terra Amara from March 20-26, 2023.
bitter land airs on Canale 5 from Monday to Saturday at 2:10 p.m.