She may have been the first contestant to leave the Double Martinique cast, but Mégane Lampron definitely made her mark on her season, including mentioning her taste in luxury and her company for high-end horse saddles. Six months after the adventure, she posted a story on Instagram explaining that she is currently looking for a job Monday through Friday.
She then reiterated her announcement by sharing a video on TikTok in which she clarified that she is looking for a job in automotive and sales and has a lot of experience in related fields. In less than 24 hours, the video has garnered more than 130,000 views and many have commented on it with derogatory remarks.
History of Mé[email protected] | instagram
Hours after the latest announcement went live, Megane posted a second video on TikTok in response to people criticizing her for her job hunt. When someone asked her why she was looking for a job when her “company was doing well,” the former OD candidate spoke up:
“I didn’t think a little TikTok post for a job hunt would make headlines, okay. It doesn’t make sense, people are mean. But the positive side in it […], I think I’ve found an interesting market because of the visibility it’s given me! I’ve had 100,000 views, I’ve had twenty+ opportunities, three interviews today, it got me and it opened doors for me. It’s excellent, much more than going door to door to bring resumes […]. Other than that, I will absolutely not endorse what people have said to me or how mean people are. »
Mégane continued her intervention, stressing that she believes it is important to raise awareness of harassment and psychological violence on social networks:
“We talked, we bullied OD, it was the end of the world. They’ve bullied me since I left Occupation Double, it’s been six months since it let me go. I get criticized for everything I do. Everything I say makes me angry, people are so mean. »
“My company is doing well, it’s just that I work mostly weekends from Monday to Friday to look for a job. Well, it was just perfect for me, so I’m looking for a job,” she says, continuing to answer the question asked at the beginning.
Mégane concludes by saying that she would like to bring her experience to a company and reminds us that there is no point in making angry speeches at others.
Note that when writing our articles, inclusive writing is used. Visit the Government of Canada website for more information on this topic.