The Wagner group finds an ally in Crimea. This is the head of the region Sergey Aksenovwhich he openly joined Yevgeny Prigozhin, the so-called “Putin cook” who runs the private military company. This was revealed by the independent Russian site There are no public confirmations from the Wagner group yet, starting with Prighosin’s Telegram group, which hasn’t released anything about it yet. The two – explains the Russian newspaper – created a new private militia in Crimea called Конвой or escort or convoy. And in Russian, Ansa explains, it means an armed group accompanying someone to protect or prevent escape. The convoy commander calls himself Mazai, but it really would be like that Konstantin Pikalovas well as Prigozhin’s right-hand man and curator of Wagner in Africa. The man is known to be the only person in Central African Republic who can speak to Prigozhin on an equal footing, according to an investigation by Bellingcat and Insider. And, the Russian side reports, he is also one of the founders of the convoy. Back in November 2022, a Telegram channel called Scorta was opened, sharing a video showing Aksenov inspecting the positions of the new unit and inviting him to join the militia. The group’s training ground is located in the village of Perevalnenear Crimea, but currently most units in the territory of the Kherson region would be located near the Ukrainian peninsula.
Cover photo: Telegram – Sergey Aksenov
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