Posted on 20230324 5:03 PM / Updated on 20230324 5:13 PM
King of Spain Felipe VI attended this year’s inauguration of President Lula (Credit: Reproduction/Twitter/@CasaReal)
President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), after a previously planned trip to Portugal, accepted an invitation to travel to Spain at the end of April. This information was confirmed this Friday (March 24) by Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira to Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares.
Vieira met with Albares in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, where the XXVIII. Iberoamerican Summit takes place. The event brings together senior officials from 22 governments in the Americas and the Iberian Peninsula. According to Itamaraty, both also discussed the future Spanish presidency of the European Union (EU), the July summit between the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) and the EU, and the negotiation of a treaty between him and Mercosur.
Alongside the Spanish Chancellor, Mauro Vieira met with Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yván Gil to discuss resuming ties between the countries and a return to cooperation, including “support for Yanomami communities on both sides of the border”. , after Itamaraty.
Lula is going to Portugal between April 22nd and 25th and is scheduled to go to Spain after that. The invitation was sent to the PT member earlier this month by representatives of the Spanish government.
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