Biden Trudeau say inseparable nations wont let Ukraine down.webp

Biden, Trudeau say ‘inseparable’ nations won’t let Ukraine down – The Associated Press

OTTAWA, ONTARIO (AP) — President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Friday celebrated the close, “inseparable” relationship between the U.S. and Canada, vowing that the two nations remain committed to defending Ukraine as it seeks to establish a repel a Russian invasion that has no end in sight.

Biden and Trudeau met just days after Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks for the first time since the war began. The Chinese and Russian leaders agreed to deepen economic ties between their two countries. But Biden argued that Western resolve remains stronger, warning Russia that the US, Canada and their allies would defend “every inch of NATO territory.”

The president also balked at the notion that Russia has managed to expand a partnership with Beijing that will allow Moscow to sustain its economy and war effort, even as the US assembles an international coalition to isolate Russia economically with a barrage of sanctions. However, according to the White House, China has so far refrained from supplying Russia with weapons since the beginning of the war.

“We’ve expanded our alliances significantly,” Biden said with Trudeau at his side during a joint news conference. “Tell me, how do you actually view a circumstance in which China has made a significant commitment to Russia? What commitment can they make?”

In a previous appearance with Biden before Canada’s parliament, Trudeau said his country – which has supplied Kiev with artillery, ammunition, armor and tanks – remains committed to the cause of Ukraine.

“As you well know, Mr. President, Canada will continue to stand strong with Ukraine, with whatever it takes,” Trudeau said.

Biden’s whirlwind visit – his first visit to Canada as president – was intended to showcase US-Canada relations, and both leaders gave each other full praise.

Biden even told Canada’s parliament that the US is “lucky” to have Canada as a neighbor as both countries struggle with the rapidly changing global economy, climate change, war in Europe and more.

“Today, our destinies are intertwined and inextricably linked,” Biden said. “Not because of the inevitability of geography, but because it’s a choice we’ve made over and over again.”

“Two people, two countries that I believe share a heart.”

On an often difficult issue, immigration, Biden and Trudeau used the visit to announce an agreement aimed at curbing the flow of asylum seekers at unofficial crossings from the US to Canada.

The deal fills a loophole under existing rules and will allow both countries to turn away asylum seekers at their borders. At the same time, Canada announced that 15,000 Western Hemisphere migrants would be given official slots to apply to enter the country.

The guides also sat down with top aid workers for a private chat. In addition to Ukraine and defense spending, the wide-ranging talks touched on shared concerns about China’s aggressiveness and violence and political instability in Haiti.

Trudeau pointed to Beijing’s growing economic power and the need for the US and Canada to work together to address it. To that end, Canada announced Friday it is entering into an agreement with IBM to expand domestic R&D and advanced semiconductor packaging — and plans an investment of up to $250 million to “boost North America’s competitiveness and… improve supply chain resilience, help reduce pollution, promote economic and national security.”

Trudeau also spoke of the need for even closer coordination to combat climate change and grow the economies of both countries.

“We have to stick together,” Trudeau said. “We must continue to confront authoritarian threats at home and abroad. We must continue to defend what is right. This is not the time to compromise on our values.”

At their joint press conference later, Biden briefly deflected from the day’s issues to send a warning to Tehran after a suspected Iranian-made drone killed a US contractor and injured six other Americans in northeastern Syria on Thursday.

US forces responded to the attack with airstrikes on locations in Syria used by groups affiliated with Iran’s Revolutionary Guards. Activists said the US bombing killed at least four people.

“The United States does not seek conflict with Iran,” Biden said. But he said Iran and its proxies should be prepared for the US to “act violently to protect our people.”

The issue of troubled relations with China was an undercurrent of Biden’s visit.

Canadians Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, arrested in China in 2018, sat on the balcony during speeches in parliament.

The two were arrested shortly after Canada’s arrest by Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer of technology company Huawei and daughter of the company’s founder, on a US extradition request. The Canadians were held in China for more than two years before the Biden and Trudeau governments managed to secure their release. Kovrig is a former diplomat, Spavor is a businessman.

Regarding Haiti, Canada is being urged by the US and other allies to lead an international mission there to address the ongoing humanitarian and security crisis. Canada on Friday announced $100 million ($72.7 million) in new aid to support and equip the Haitian National Police.

Biden said the idea of ​​deploying an international force was “not in play at this time” but had not been taken off the table. Trudeau said the international community can have the greatest impact over the long term by being “there to support the capacity of the Haiti police force.”

Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry and the country’s Council of Ministers sent an urgent appeal last October calling for “the immediate deployment of a specialized force in sufficient numbers” to end the crisis, which is being caused in part by the “criminal actions of armed gangs.” was caused. But more than five months later, no country has come forward. Canada’s top military official has indicated the country doesn’t have the capacity.

Biden supported Trudeau’s efforts to focus on capacity building, but also noted that the situation in Haiti remains fragile as “gangs have essentially taken the place of government.”

“It’s still a work in progress,” he said.

Friday’s meetings also included discussions on defense spending, an issue that has come under the spotlight after the US shot down a Chinese spy balloon crossing part of Canada and the continental US last month.

Canada has long been urged to increase its defense spending to 2% of its gross domestic product, the target agreed by NATO members. Ottawa now spends about 1.2%.

“Canada and the United States share a responsibility and obligation to ensure that NATO can counter any threat and defend itself against any aggression by anyone,” Biden said. “This is the bedrock of the security of both our nations.”

The Trudeau administration also announced plans for a $7.3 billion ($5.3 billion) project to modernize and build infrastructure to accommodate the arrival of a new fleet of F-35 fighter jets to support.

Trudeau and his wife, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, ended the visit Friday night with a gala dinner honoring Biden and First Lady Jill Biden.