The end of March 2023 will be TERRIBLE for these

The end of March 2023 will be TERRIBLE for these 3 zodiac signs – Marie France

The month of March 2023 is coming to an end and the least we can say is that it has been intense in every way. Many important astrological movements have taken place in its course and therefore it is fortunately leaving us the spring season with its passage. But three zodiac signs have to realize one thing: this end of the month will not be an ideal time for them. The stars have spoken and they want to warn you. Discover them here!

Astro: Which planetary movements will mark the end of March 2023?

Although the major astrological events of this month of March 2023, such as the Zodiacal New Year on Monday 20th or the vernal equinox on Tuesday 21st, have already passed, the planets in the cosmos continue to move. And before April comes, the planet Mars will change constellations to inhabit Cancer on Saturday, March 25th, which will change our wills and motivations during Spring. Mars in Cancer is synonymous with slow and sentimental action, only motivated to act when feeling emotionally involved. On the other hand, on Tuesday, March 28th, Jupiter and Mercury will be conjunct in Aries, allowing us to improve our personal and professional relationships. Be careful what you say, because this aspect can also lead to outliers!

Horoscope: Which zodiac signs will struggle through the last days of March 2023?

Here we tell you which zodiac signs can expect some inconveniences in the coming days. Also, you might want to read the rest of this article to find out! Want to know if yours is one of them?


Some discussions are likely to degenerate in the coming days. Don’t try to fight even if you feel provoked. Giving in to anger puts you in a weak position, and with Jupiter and Mercury united in your house of hidden enemies next week, you may pay the price! Attention !


The month ends with many tensions between the planet Mars in your constellation, the Sun and Neptune.
This could be reflected in your job performance, so be careful not to get yourself into trouble. Try to relax and don’t hesitate because you might face unexpected setbacks!


Your ruling planet, Neptune, will be in tension with Mars in Cancer these days, so avoid embarking on young projects. Finish those you have started, but this astrological aspect exposes you to deception and deceit. Be careful of the people with whom you enter into business agreements and pacts.

Also read:

Astrologically, the month of March 2023 was very busy!

The two major moves of the current month, Saturn entering Pisces on Tuesday 7th and Pluto entering Aquarius on Thursday 23rd, have shaken more than one mortal in the past few days. These two planetary movements point to major social and political changes. These two planets don’t often change sign, so it’s necessary to consider their movements to understand the news and the events that cause them. The current turmoil seems like a good preview of what’s to come from the hands of its two stars. We promise April will be a quieter month planetarily, but nothing is guaranteed here!