“At Least Fifty Wounded” Demonstrators at the Sainte Soline reservoir complained after the violent clashes with the police, according to the organizers of the demonstration, who spoke of “three serious injuries”. In the ranks of the police there are 16 injured, one of them seriously. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin tweeted: “In Sainte-Soline, the ultra-left and extreme left are using extreme violence against our gendarmes. Unspeakable, unbearable. Nobody should tolerate this. Full support for our Forces of Order”.
France, clashes between black bloc and police at Sainte-Soline reservoir
Groups were trying to break through the police blockade preventing unauthorized protesters from entering the reservoir district, according to local news sources. The black blocs then began attacking the police, some with long iron bars.
Thousands of people took part in the unauthorized demonstration against the project, which was carried out by a farmers’ cooperative and supported by the state. Between 1,000 and 1,500 Casseurs and Black-Blocs are present among the 8-10,000 demonstrators.
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