Tonight Saturday March 25, 2023 the second episode of the Evening From Friends 2023 live. The talent performed Maria DeFilippi has reached the final phase, in which the three teams of dancers and singers admitted to the evening challenge each other. Judging challenges three new judges: Michele Bravi, Cristiano Malgioglio and Giuseppe Giofre. Guest of the evening is Enrico Brignano. According to the previews, there are two eliminations in this episode. The appointment is at 21:20 live on Canale 5.
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Friends of Maria De Filippi 2022/2023
Maddalena wins the second challenge against Piccolo G
The duel between Maddalena and Piccolo G ends: “Maddalena’s character is strong tonight,” commented Giuseppe Giofrè. “Little G sang a difficult song, this boy has a special voice. I wish him luck. I vote for Maddalena”, that of Malgioglio. Magdalene challenge wins.
Ramon wins the first challenge against Clique
After Ramon’s performance, let the jury do the talking. “Clicca, I’m always picky, I thought that when he sang he wanted to make his voice heard. I would have liked more passion. Ramon is light, incredible. Vote for him,” commented Cristiano Malgioglio. “Clicca, you have a voice that you use well, Ramon, that you already know. I start from subjectivity, I give Ramon my point of view”. So Ramon wins. Immediately after Maddalena against Piccolo G.
Cricca sings as the first student, Rudy Zerbi takes him down: “The choreography is beautiful”
Lorella Cuccarini and Emanuel Lo challenge the team of Alessandra Celentano and Rudy Zerbi. After jokes and taunts, the challenge begins with Clique and Ramon. Clicca starts and sings “And you, how are you?” by Baglioni. “Out of respect for Lorella Cuccarini, you ask: May I speak and say something before the jury has voted? The pas de deux was beautiful,” commented Rudy Zerbi at the end of the performance. “We know Cricca bores you, but you bore me,” is Lorella Cuccarini’s response.
Malgioglio and the pantomime game: Whoever guesses decides who starts the challenge
Tonight’s second episode began with a game chosen by Maria de Filippi Malgioglio. The judge opened a white box containing an item, namely an egg cup, and had to describe it through gestures and words for his peers to guess. Giuseppe Giofrè won the game and he decides who will start the dance: Cuccarini and Emanuel Lo.
The gauntlets thrown by the professors
According to advance notices from Amici News, the second episode of the evening will feature the hip-hop gauntlet in between samu And ramon. The test is canceled by Giuseppe Giofrè as it is judged “unfair and meaningless”. No anticipation for the much-discussed running the gauntlet, which sparked several arguments between Rudy Zerbi with his student Aaron and Arisa with Wax.
FantaAmici: what it is and how it works
Also this year the fantasy friends has united many passionate players of the program. The game engages the audience in the television dynamic: it’s free to play and after creating your own team of 5 students and a teacher, you earn or lose points based on the behavior of the protagonists of Amici. Among the highest bonus points is a kiss for Maria de Filippi: the student who makes the gesture wins 100 points. Those who are kicked out of the program lose 75.
The unreleased songs from Amici’s most listened to singers on Spotify
The unreleased Amici 22 that are most listened to on Spotify are those of Angelina Mango singing Voglia di vive, then those of Wax, Ballerine e Gloves and Piccolo G with Acquario. Recently, the unreleased Cricca’s If you look at me like this has also had success, as has Aaron with Kiss me and dance me. Amici 22 unreleased tracks streaming ranking updated to March 6, 2023 reported by website
Enrico Brignano is the guest of the evening
The second appointment with the Amici evening will take place tonight Henry Brignano guest: the actor and showman will be back in Maria de Filippi’s studio to entertain those present and spectators.
Who is the artistic director of the evening of Amici 22
Amici di Maria de Filippi is entrusted with the artistic direction Stephane Jarny, a French choreographer, dancer and screenwriter who has worked for several television programs including Miss France and The Voice, was also a judge on Got To Dance. It took the place of Giuliano Peparini in 2021.
Arisa and Raimondo Todaro’s team after Megan’s exit
After Megan Ria’s departure from the scene at the first appointment with the Serale, Arisa and Raimondo Todaro’s team sees the singers as protagonists wax And Federica and the dancers Alexei And Mathias.
The team of Rudy Zerbi and Alessandra Celentano
Five students for Rudy Zerbi and Alessandra Celentano: The team around the two teachers consists of singers Aaron And small G and from the dancers Isobel, ramon And Gianmarco.
The team of Lorella Cuccarini and Emanuel Lo after the release of NDG
After the departure of Nicolò Di Girolamo aka NDG, the team of the talent show’s two teachers, Lorella Cuccarini and Emanuel Lo, is made up of the singers for the second episode of the evening Angelina Mango And cliqueand from the dancers madeleine And samu.
Who are the three judges of the Amici 2023 evening?
Michele Bravi, Cristiano Malgioglio and Giuseppe Giofre are the jurors of the Friends evening of the current issue. The three are new faces for the red pitches, but not for the programme: Cristiano Malgioglio and Michele Bravi have often been called up to referee games on Sunday afternoons, Giuseppe Giofrè is instead a former Amici pupil.
The preview of the second episode of Amici 22: two eliminated students
In tonight’s episode, the three teams, led by the pairs of Prof. Zerbi-Celentano, Todaro-Arisa and Cuccarini-Emanuel Lo. According to Amici News previews, in the first game the students of Zerbi and Celentano will appear as protagonists against those of Cuccarini and Raimondo Todaro. You go to the final vote Isobel, Aaron And small G. One of the three is eliminated. The race continues with the other runs ending with the second ballot that decides the second student to leave the talent show school: one of clique And Gianmarco will be deleted. Communication takes place indoors. Great expectations for the gauntlet between the teachers: Rudy Zerbi and Alessandra Celentano will interpret the notes of Furia, the horse of the west and Mamma Maria, transforming the text into Balla Maria and Balla Jury.
Amici evening 2023 live on Canale 5: previews, challenges and who’s outside
Live on Canale 5, from 9:20 p.m. the evening of the Amici di Maria de Filippi: tonight the 13 students will compete in the race to win, demonstrating their singing and dancing talents. The artistic direction of the program is entrusted Stephane Jarny: Guest of the evening the comedian, actor and showman Enrico Brignano. In the first episode of the evening NDG And Megan Ria They had to abandon the talent show, and two will be eliminated by the second appointment on Saturday night, the first at the end of the first round, the second at the end of the episode.