Updated 7/31/19 at 9:00 PM
Digital Foundry’s detailed comparison has just been published, Doom 1 and 2 are 1080p resolution and Doom 3 is native 4k on Xbox One X!
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Bethesda has a nice surprise in store for the opening of its Quakecon 2019 and the 25th anniversary of the franchise: the immediate availability of the first three Dooms on Xbox One!
Suggested to 4.99 EUR each for Doom 1 and 2 and EUR 9.99 for Doom 3, the offer seems tempting. Especially for the third part, which was rarer than the countless issues of the first 2 episodes.
But Doom 3 BFG was released on Xbox 360 and backward compatible One for many months. Is it worth diving back into adventure? Let’s look at this together.
Doom 1 and 2 on One are not much different from previous versions, with the complete adventures and all the bonuses available at the time. The multi is back too, with split screen up to 4, local and local co-op. No online multiplayer in sight.
Doom 3, on the other hand, stands out with one visible resolution boost, everything looks cleaner. We’re keeping the edgy side of the original game, but going to 1080p on One (vs. 720p on 360). It’s smooth with 60 frames per second, In any case. The big change comes from the complete absence of multi. So we have the main campaign and that’s it. Menus also look cleaner, with everything looking cleaner. The Version contains the two DLCs released at that time, Add a few hours of playtime to the counter. Last point, the loads are much faster!
So, is it worth going back to checkout for the One versions of Doom? It all depends on what you are looking for. Multi? Stay on BFG. A pure solo adventure? The leap is possible given the cleanest graphical aspect to be found on the console.
Another piece of information to consider is the lack of Doom BFG in the dematerialized shop. In fact, this collection is only available in physical version and is difficult to find. So more and less but affordable prices to try the experience without taking big risks!
The teaser: