Speaking to Amanda and Cezar Black on BBB 23 (Globo), Bruna Griphao said that Gabriel Fop “still moves her”. The two had an affair earlier in the season and the model was accused of having a toxic relationship with the actress.
Amanda: “I keep thinking about what’s going on… When Larissa told me about my ex, I was like, ‘Did I go in and they went after him?’
Bruno: “The only thing that moved me was when I saw that [Gabriel] dude [nas imagens vazadas da Casa do Reencontro] and I was like, ‘Dude! Fop exists!'”
Cezar then asked if the model still aroused the actress’ feelings.
Bruno: “Move! But nothing more can happen there. I’m doing well. I don’t know how much happened, but Lari told me a bit…”
POLL BBB 23: After the summary, who is really hated the most?
BBB 23: Who has already dropped out of the reality show?