An 11yearold boy who is studying at Smithfield Middle School in North Carolina in the United States sent his mother a photo in which he can be seen with his mouth taped by the teacher as if he was “talking too much” in the Instruction. “I don’t know what to do,” the child wrote in one of the messages.
The case took place on February 14 but came to light in the international press this week after the child’s mother, Catherine Webster, denounced the case in a post on Facebook. The information comes from the tabloid The Sun.
According to the mother, the teacher told police the incident was “funny” and that the “kids laughed when it happened.” Catherine described her son as “chatty” and with “a tendency to goof around” and said the boy was “disciplined because he talks too much”.
At school, she confronted the principal about the sentence, which was said to have lasted several months. Catherine claimed her son said his face was taped up to three times by the teacher and other students had their wrists tied.
Due to the negative impact, the teacher resigned from the educational institution. As the Chron reports, the educator also had her visa revoked, meaning she can no longer work in the United States.
The school administration launched an investigation into the allegations and assured the parents that they were taking the incident very seriously. The Johnston County Sheriff’s Office also investigated Brady’s allegations, as well as others made by his parents. But after consulting with the district attorney, the sheriff’s office found insufficient intent to warrant an assault charge.
The mother said she hoped her Facebook post would “serve as an example” for other teachers who may be behaving inappropriately at school.