Video Tourist survives 30m fall from bungee jump igcombr

Video: Tourist survives 30m fall from bungee jump

Tourist survives 100ft fall Photo: Reproduction: Social Networks

Tourist survives 100ft fall


One tourist 39yearold man survived 100ft fall by jumping off bungee jump in the city of Pattaya, in Thailand
, in an amusement park. The accident happened on March 23 at Changthai Thappraya Safari and Adventure Park.

Because I almost shit my pants lol
I bungee jumped, folks, and I didn’t die

— crazy ideas (@laisptas) March 10, 2023

The man, identified only as Mike, gave an interview to CNN and said he was covered in bruises after the fall. The equipment bungee cord snapped a few seconds before he completed the jump, luckily dropping him into the water.

“I landed on my left side, so the injuries were more severe there,” Mike told CNN. He also reported that he closed his eyes at the time of the jump and only realized something was wrong when he was already surrounded by water. “If the person can’t swim, they’re going to get into trouble,” he warns.

The amusement park reimbursed the cost of the jump and even paid for Xrays and ultrasounds for Mike. The park’s owner, Nithit Intim, told the report that the team immediately pulled him out of the water and took him to the hospital.

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