Panama. Referring to the challenges that countries are facing, including the climate crisis, the risks of new pandemics, food security, irregular migration, human trafficking and the fight against drugs, the Vice President of the Republic, José Gabriel Carrizo, stressed that “they prevent individualism, they cannot be solved with isolated efforts”.
Interne Carrizo yesterday at the XXVIII Iberoamerican Summit of Heads of State and Government in the Dominican Republic, highlighting the fundamental role of the economic development of nations, which he saw as “the most vulnerable link in the social fabric”, pointing out that the current reality dictates social investment as a crucial tool for stability and a sure way out of poverty.
He pointed out that the current development model needs to be redesigned to include the value of biodiversity and seek healthy and healthy ecosystems. For this reason, Panama reaffirmed its responsibility for the conservation of marine fauna and expanded its protected areas to an area of 93,390.71 km2 during the VIII Our Ocean Conference recently held in our country.
In addition to Vice President Carrizo, the Panamanian delegation consists of Foreign Minister Janaina Tewaney Mencomo and Trade and Industry Minister Federico Alfaro. The former Chancellor of the Republic, José Miguel Alemán, also attended the meeting.
Carrizo also referred to the current situation of women in the world, citing data from UN-Women that suggests there are still many unrecorded femicides. “On average, 4 out of 10 premeditated homicides of women and girls do not have sufficient data to identify them as femicides. In addition, many of these crimes go unpunished.” The Vice President used his intervention to request international cooperation for the conservation of the Darién National Park, “where thousands of people risk their lives every day crossing this protected area of biodiversity in a migratory flow that is overflowing threatens”.
Source: The Star of Panama.