Reducing the Harmful Effects of Smoking with Alternative Products

Reducing the Harmful Effects of Smoking with Alternative Products – L’Orient Today

Alternative products that eliminate combustion are increasingly appearing as an alternative to traditional cigarettes. Today, millions of smokers around the world are turning to these products as part of technological and scientific innovations for a smoke-free future.

This ongoing transformation did not come out of nowhere. Rather, it is the result of what has been demonstrated by the results of numerous independent and rigorous studies, research and evaluations on these products, covering many fields including materials science, consumer electronics, clinical science, toxicology, aerosol chemistry and others.

Evidence from studies, research and reviews shows that switching to alternative products, including those that rely on heating, reduces exposure to harmful or potentially harmful chemicals by up to 95% compared to traditional cigarettes. These devices heat the tobacco to a maximum temperature of 350°C, eliminating the 800°C burning process of traditional cigarettes. Of course, the smoke produced during the burning process of cigarettes is the leading cause of smoking-related diseases because it contains dozens of toxic chemicals, most of which are produced when tobacco is burned in a cigarette.

Here, the legal framework should take into account the difference between traditional products and alternative devices that exclude the combustion process and instead rely on the evaporation mechanism. From there, two systems coexist: one does not produce smoke but an aerosol obtained by heating a liquid containing nicotine, the other is a heating process that also produces an aerosol containing nicotine, but to a much lesser extent than traditional ones cigarettes.

In general, electronic alternatives are now widely viewed as a solution for adult smokers to quit traditional cigarettes. Contrary to popular belief, smoking-related illnesses are primarily caused by the combustion process and not by nicotine itself, which can nonetheless be addictive.

Despite all this, the best option for smokers remains to quit smoking tobacco in all its forms, but faced with the dilemma of wanting to quit smoking and the impossibility of doing it with traditional methods, possible solutions remain, represented by innovative and scientific solutions proven alternative devices for adult smokers who want or can quit.

This article was sponsored by Philip Morris Lebanon.

Alternative products that eliminate combustion are increasingly appearing as an alternative to traditional cigarettes. Millions of smokers around the world are turning to these products as part of technological and scientific innovations for a smoke-free future. This ongoing change does not come out of nowhere. She’s more the…