I am your warrior vote for me and you will

“I am your warrior, vote for me and you will be avenged”: Trump’s speech at the Texas rally

I am your warrior vote for me and you will

“I will be your warrior, your righteousness, re-elect me and you will be avenged“: It is a donald trump inflammatory the one who opens his presidential campaign with a rally in Waco, Texas, the scene 30 years ago of a lengthy FBI siege against an armed and anti-government religious sect that ended in a fire that killed 86 people. The tycoon made no direct allusion to it, but the attempt to bring him closer to the judicial siege that besets him and to merge his fate with that of his ‘sect’ Maga seemed obvious, even if it didn’t invoke “death and death”. Potential for destruction” that could trigger his indictment, as he had been doing on social media for the past few days.