Hailey Bieber is ready to put the drama with Selena behind her. Accused of making fun of Selena Gomez after a not-very-happy story was posted to Instagram in late February, Justin Bieber’s wife found herself pilloried online. And if the 26-year-old It girl didn’t seem to take criticism at first, showing off in a mini bikini and enjoying herself in the sun, the reality was actually grimmer. Victim of incessant and violent attacks, the young woman has lived very poorly these last month.
Hailey Bieber panicked Instagram a dress with a dizzying neckline in the back
So Hailey Bieber reached out to Selena Gomez to get her support and try to put an end to this story. And a few days ago, the two stars buried the hatchet publicly. Selena Gomez condemned the hate messages Hailey Bieber received on her Instagram Stories, and she immediately thanked her on her account. On the occasion of their reconciliation, the two women followed each other again on Instagram. Rhode’s cosmetics designer even liked the Rare Beauty founder’s latest post, a photo of Selena Gomez in a bikini.
Today, Hailey Bieber is turning her back on this dirty business in the most extravagant way. This Monday, March 27th, the model made sure everyone was in agreement with her latest stunning look. In several photos shared on Instagram, the young woman is indeed stunning in a long, backless dress that hides her game well. With its high collar and long sleeves, she is very smart to begin with. But when Hailey Bieber turns around, she shows a dizzying cleavage in the back. This tight dress not only fits Justin Bieber’s wife like a glove and accentuates her slender figure, but its neckline, which completely exposes the It-Girl’s back, is the ultra-sexy detail that draws everyone’s attention. The star was quickly showered with compliments in the comments.