New twist in Terra Bitter. One of the protagonists has suffered an incurable wound: very painful grief for the actor.
Among the most popular soap operas on the Italian peninsula we certainly find bitter land. The protagonist of Turkish fiction is still recovering from an incurable wound. A very painful grief hit the actor. There are still many viewers today who follow the soap opera Terra Amara. The actors have now entered the heart of the Italian public.
Mourning for the Terra Amara actor –
Among these we also find Fekeli, a man marked by a painful past, but who has not managed to turn evil from life. Although he could not marry Hunkar, the woman he loved, spent twenty years in prison as an innocent man and saw his wife and children die in an accident, he remained a good man.
Despite this, Fekeli is still kind and generous to everyone. In an interview with Dreamers Magazine the actor who plays him, Kerem Alisik, told about his life and role in the soap opera. The actor shares many similarities with his character, including the sense of pain. In his life, the actor prematurely lost his father. A constant pain for Alisik, who will carry it for some time. But Kerem Alisik also managed to tell the details of Fekeli.
Terra Amara, the actor Kerem Alisik says to Fekeli: “A man with many facets”
While waiting for the new episodes of Terra Amara, actor Kerem Alisik was able to tell his character with all its facets. The interpreter therefore wanted to describe a man a patient, resigned, tolerant personality, sometimes emotional and melancholic. So let’s find out all the details Alisik told in his last interview.
All the details about the Turkish soap opera –
Always Fekeli, but sometimes it could explode like a sudden blow, while sometimes it’s as cold as a sudden blow. Sure it is The character played by Kerem Alisik would never hurt anyone. It is precisely these qualities that make him one of the most popular characters of the Turkish television series, which is still very popular among Canale 5 audiences today.
In a very short time, the soap opera managed to become a real workhorse of the Mediaset network. In addition to the protagonists Zuleyha and Yilmaz, the most popular characters include Fekeli. Alisik concluded the interview by saying, “The love the audience has for this character is conveyed by the love I felt for him myself.” For all enthusiasts, the appointment is as always from Monday to Friday at 2:10 p.m.