1680029915 VIDEO VIDEO Nashville school killing the stunning images captured at

[VIDEO] VIDEO. Nashville school killing: the stunning images captured at the heart of the police operation

Police in Nashville, Tennessee, released this Tuesday, March 28, the images captured by the cameras equipped with the police, who intervened to neutralize the young woman who died Monday in an elementary school in shot dead three children and three adults in the city.

Stunning images that can offend the most sensitive people: The police of Nashville (Tenesesee) this Tuesday March 28 published images taken by the cameras that equipped the first police officers who intervened on Monday to protect the 28 -year-old woman who had shot dead three children and three adults in an elementary school for unknown reasons.

In this long six-minute sequence, picked up by major American media, we find ourselves at the heart of this high-risk operation for the police, who rush into the deserted school corridors, guns in hand, sounding the alarm, sirens sounding in the background. We see them going upstairs until a series of gunshots ring out: Audrey Halle, the killer, has just been shot.

Audrey Elizabeth Hale was 28 years old.

Audrey Elizabeth Hale was 28 years old. Metro Nashville Police Department.

Fourteen minutes elapsed between the time Nashville Police Headquarters was alerted and the criminal neutralized.

The investigation continues Tuesday to understand what may have prompted this 28-year-old woman, who defined herself as transgender and was armed with two assault rifles and a pistol, to act. She graduated from a local art and design college and worked as a graphic designer.