1680045276 quotwanted to hit mequot Hugo Gross reveals behind the scenes

"wanted to hit me"; Hugo Gross reveals behind the scenes actor registration denial for Rafa Kalimann and fa…


Hugo Gross is President of the Union of Artists of Rio de Janeiro (SATEDRJ), responsible for granting permission for Rafa Kalimann to perform in Vai na Fé which was denied

Hugo Gross disclosed the details of Rafa Kalimann's denial of power of attorney in Vai na Fé© Playback / YouTube @BarbaCast / Instagram @rafakalimannHugo Gross disclosed the details of Rafa Kalimann’s denial of power of attorney in Vai na Fé

Actor Hugo Gross, president of the Union of Artists of Rio de Janeiro (SATEDRJ), gave a revealing interview this week: he explained the details of the Globo denial of the necessary authorization for Rafa Kalimann to act in Vai na Féand said that José Loreto, who was dating the influencer at the time of the events, allegedly threatened to attack him over it.

In the statement to the BarbaCast podcast, Gross recalled that Globo had asked Kalimann for permission to be part of the storyline with Loreto, exBBB’s boyfriend at the time. “She has no criminal record. I politely called her at the time and went to explain the reason for the disability and she thought she had been abused,” the actor said.

> Rafa Kalimann and José Loreto Photo: Instagram @rafakalimann and @joseloreto

He continued, “I haven’t had a fight with anyone. I think it went to her head. She spoke badly about the union without even knowing what the union was.” He then commented on Loreto’s involvement in the story without giving his name. “I don’t even know if they are still togetherbut her husband, an actor there, I think he’s an actor, wanted to hit me,” he revealed.

Finally, Gross highlighted the difference between the denied and accepted approval of Rafa Kalimann that Jade Picon can play in Travessia: “Ricardo Waddington called me for a meeting and said that it was his launch, like so many names he has already launched, and that she would be an influencer, as she is in life, in Gloria’s storyline (Perez , author). Well, she got permission from the union to do this very participation. It doesn’t mean that tomorrow she can do whatever she wants because she’s not an actress,” he pointed out.