The Quarto Deserto sisters combine a plan to destabilize Ricardo

The Quarto Deserto sisters combine a “plan” to destabilize Ricardo at BBB 23

“Plant in lettuce tomorrow [Ricardo]’ says the actress. “Two plants. A goal drives him crazy,” says Larissa. “But I gave him a goal today,” Larissa indicates. “He’s holding back. He gave us vomit and I gave him a broken heart,” says Aline Wirley.

So the gym teacher suggests just focusing on one emoji for brother. “We can give four targets because he knows he’s not a plant,” she says. “But plants destabilize everyone. What do you mean I don’t do anything? I’m a specialist in that,” says Amanda. “It’s very bad that you’re put in this place,” she said. “But because he knows it’s not him,” assesses Larissa. “But he might feel it,” says Aline.

Then Larissa changes her mind and decides to split them into two emojis. “Let’s give two plants and two targets,” explains Larissa.

The sisters laugh and joke that the queridometer is the only weapon in Brazil’s bestguarded house. Bruna then assesses that her plan worked this week. “The kamikaze plan worked,” she says happily.