quotThey live in Albertolandquotcriticized opposition to Rossi in Congress MendozaPost

"They live in Albertoland"criticized opposition to Rossi in Congress MendozaPost

The contradiction of Together for change reacted sharply this Wednesday in the middle of the speech that the chief of staff, Augustine RossiToast in the enclosure of Chamber of Deputies as part of the presentation of its first management progress report.

“They are far from reality, they live in Albertolandia wrapped in a story and a constant lie,” said the President of the PRO block. Christian Ritondowho, to Rossi, recognized the difficulty of “coming to the defense of this government” in Congress.

“They have betrayed Argentines in a unique way and they have a unique face. They speak of a country where the majority of Argentines don’t live,” he said.

Chairman of the PRO block, Christian Ritondo

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According to Juntos por el Cambio’s pre-candidate for governor of Buenos Aires, “two out of three boys in the suburbs are poor, and only three out of ten graduate from high school.”

“Thanks to the waste, the uncontrolled spending, the printing press, today we have general annual inflation in excess of 100%. An Argentine family needs more than 168,000 pesos not to be poor. Those who have formal jobs are poor,” Ritondo said. on the image of the social situation in the country.

And he added: “In short, they’re a populist government, they’re making a story and they have social insensitivity.”

Speech by Agustn Rossi in the Deputies

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Meanwhile, Ritondo recalled that the President Alberto Fernndez He had said in the campaign that he was strongly committed to combating drug trafficking.

“After almost four years of management, I think it’s hidden enough if it does that. The serious fight against drug trafficking is a political decision. And this failed government lacks the political attributes to end the scourge of insecurity. So the drug dealers do what they want,” he warned.

“I’m sure if we take care of this disaster that you leave us, you will return to history, you will return to throw stones at us, but the truth is that we no longer care is challenged because I think the mask has come off and the Argentines know who they are”, in an election key.


Mario Negri and Cristian Ritondo

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For his part, the president of the UCR block, Mario Negriaccused Rossi of appearing in the Chamber of Deputies to “give a post-truth master class”.

“He appealed to emotionality to convince his own, so they applauded him. But the reality is what we describe, even if they don’t like it and yell,” he said.

The radical warned that due to a lack of answers to the problems, there is “social weariness, anger, disbelief in all politics”.

“That’s why the Chief of Staff doesn’t want to talk about the present and invites us to talk about what happened 20 years ago. From the time the routes were cut and Moyano shut down the trucks. But we need to talk about what’s happening now. about which “They came to stock the fridge and bring the roast. But now there’s not even a Carrero stew. Scream, but that’s the truth,” the Cordoba man continued. For Negri, “besides the final destruction of the economy, they have also triggered a profound destruction of the credibility of the institutions”.

Miguel Bazze (UCR) denounced that “the chief of staff came to the chamber to lie and talk about anything but Argentina’s problems, such as inflation, the economy and insecurity,” while the radical bloc’s parliamentary secretary, Soledad Carrizo, said he was ashamed himself after hearing Rossi’s report on management.

“It seems he doesn’t know why he came to Congress, rambling on over coffee-chat style on issues unrelated to the pressing needs of Argentines. Not a word about inflation, insecurity, health, pensions or education,” lamented the woman from Cordoba.

the Mendoza Pamela VerasayFor his part, he warned that Rossi had given no indication of a “government plan to respond to the Argentines” and was merely “giving more reports on the parallel world in which Kirchnerism lives”.

“To get a report like this, it’s better not to get it. One asks and the answers are references to another question which, as one goes, is not what was consulted and there is no answer. Far from being a transparency tool, it is.” becomes a mockery, I lamented.

in the same line, Ricardo Buraile (UCR) claimed that “the chief of staff did not come to give a report on the state of management, as it should be given the serious situation in the country”, but “came to the Chamber of Deputies to make a false report, K that tries to hide the current problems that we Argentines are suffering”.

For the radical too Roxana Reys Rossi’s report “is clearly another missed opportunity” and he added of the national official that “as a good Kirchnerist he is able to say anything to distract himself and try to shirk his responsibilities”.

The intervention of his colleague Bank Ximena Garcia He followed the same thread when he spoke of “a new missed opportunity to learn about Alberto Fernndez’s government plan”.

“Chief of Staff Agustín Rossi has presented an empty report that does not remove the uncertainty of Argentine citizens about inflation, corruption and insecurity. Kirchnerism has no direction,” launched the woman from Santa Fe.

In return, the Entre Ríos Pedro Galimberti (UCR) recalled that “during the 2019 election campaign, the Frente de Todos promised to stock the fridge and boost the economy”.

“Obviously, official data shows more than 40% poverty, 360% cumulative inflation, of which 390% is in food and drink. At the same time, the salary variation index gives an average of 290%, not to mention if we look at the informal sectors, with a loss of purchasing power, where the fridge is far from being full and is being emptied,” he questioned.

Jimena LatorreHe now felt Rossi’s speech was more typical of a “basic unit president” than a chief of staff.
“They don’t know how to do anything and can’t do anything but cover up their government’s disaster with the fantasies and populist specters of their own creation,” attacked the Mendoza woman.