The Castellon Fire begins four critical hours due to the

The Castellón Fire begins four critical hours due to the westerly winds and high temperatures

The westerly wind is not blowing with the expected intensity inside Castellón and the development of the fire is “favorable” as reported by the Minister of the Interior, Gabriela Bravo, who in any case has indicated that they have begun four critical hours, until six in the afternoon, with high temperatures, lower relative humidity and larger wind gusts. “Conditions are more favorable than we expected, but we have to wait until the end of the day,” said the advisor.

At the moment, just over a hundred residents have been authorized to return to their homes, which joins the 200 who have been able to return to their homes this Wednesday, although more than a thousand people have still been evacuated from their homes to cause a fire .

Bravo has warned that the danger persists and that the canyons remain hotspots given the possibility of reactivation that could become a source of ignition.

The forecast indicated that from this Thursday, temperatures would rise above 30 degrees in many cities of the Valencian Community and that they put the interior of Castellón at a “high risk” level, as indicated by the Emergency Coordination Center for the fire. The registered gusts currently do not exceed 20 or 30 kilometers per hour.

The fire that broke out in Villanueva de Viver on Thursday has already destroyed 4,700 hectares of land of great ecological value, it has a circumference of 50 linear kilometers. The flames were stabilized this Wednesday and allowed 200 of the 1,600 evacuated residents to return to their homes.

In the inventory that the emergencies are conducting at 7 a.m., the director of the Advanced Command Post (in Barracas) reported that during the night the entire perimeter was covered and no significant incidents were observed. Drone flights were conducted and slightly more activity was noted than last night but little notable so resources, both air and land, are maintaining surveillance and working to consolidate the ground. The weather conditions during the night were favorable, the temperature was between 7 and 10 degrees, with a humidity of about 50% and little wind.

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The operation this Thursday will consist of around 350 ground troops and 16 aircraft that will monitor two points in particular: the first in Montán, where the fire spread to the CV-195 highway, and the second in the ravine de la Pudia, in which municipality of Fuente La Reina).

High temperatures forecast for this Thursday contrast with the first few days of March, which were “cold” but thereafter, since March 7, temperatures have been “well above” normal in three “very warm” peaks, one concentrated to the 12th, another that started on the 23rd, the day the forest fire of Villanueva de Viver (Castellón) was declared, and the third that Aemet says is scheduled for this Thursday and Friday. In fact, “very high” temperatures are forecast to remain through Friday, although the maximum “won’t be that high” because the west will be “more intense” that day, according to Aemet. During the day, the wind naturally blows from the west, weak to moderate, at times strong and without excluding very strong gusts inland.

In this situation, they have insisted from Aemet to demand “a lot of attention and caution” in the coming days because of the extreme risk of forest fires, and “perhaps especially on Friday, when, in addition to the high temperatures, the west wind will become more intense, occasionally strong and without to exclude very strong stripes inside.