Finland this is Riikka Purra the sovereign challenger of Sanna

Finland, this is Riikka Purra, the sovereign challenger of Sanna Marin who can lead the country to the right

The biography of his Instagram profile is fiercely anti-political. Riikka Purra45, candidate for Prime Minister in Finland, appears very blonde and smiles with bio which reads: «No politics here! But whole foods, plant-based, raw, fruit juices, everyday moments. mother, wife, survivor. Finnish MP and party leader.” She is the leader of a sovereign party, i True Finnswhich was called the Land Party in the 1950s and has maintained a national-conservative and Eurosceptic orientation to this day.

Finland is building a wall on the border with Russia: “It will be 200 km long and 3 meters high”

Riikka Purra, the anti-Sanna Marin

On Sunday April 2nd she will challenge the current prime minister, the social democrat, Atlanticist and feminist SannaMarine, who became the world’s youngest prime minister at the age of 34. When a video of her dancing with friends, influencers and a Finnish pop star surfaced on social media, Purra asked her to take a public drug test.

Now they have to deal with it Choose: We vote to elect the 200 seats in Parliament and in the polls they are equal at 19.2%.. Purra’s party has up to 30% support among first-time voters.

Purra is an alternative to right and left. “The situation is like so often: the left is screaming that the bad guys are cutting billions in subsidies and undermining services. On the right, however, it screams that the wimps aren’t cutting enough. Is that why we are the right alternative in these turbulent times?” he writes on Twitter.

His strengths are immigration and opposition to subsidies for immigrants. She deals with direct and personal experiences: as a child she was molested by a foreigner and therefore blames her for the whole integration model.

After February 24, 2022, Finland applied to join the NATO military alliance. At 1,300 km, the country shares the longest land border in Europe with Russia. Who brings Finland into NATO? Because the Sanna Marin Social Democrats have just started the process of joining NATO, which is supported by 80% of Finns.

Finland, Ukraine and Russia: How Purra takes sides

In fact, the challenge in the Ukrainian question becomes interesting. Just like Giorgia Meloni, Purra starts on the right and follows a trajectory that lands on the Atlantic side. The True Finns party is staunchly anti-Soviet and pro-Ukrainian, like FdI. At the expense of overturning opposite previous positions. In the 2009 European elections, the True Finns party, which Purra has led since 2021, won 9.79%, elected an MEP and joined the EFD group. In the 2012 presidential election, then-leader Timo Soini, a staunch opponent of the EU and, to a lesser extent, NATO, finished fourth out of eight candidates. In the 2014 European elections they won two seats and joined the Group of European Conservatives and Reformists, which refers to the ECR, the European political party chaired by Giorgia Meloni. The True Finns party also entered government in 2015 and had to scale back its anti-European tone.

True Finns are not joining the Fixit campaign, even though they are Eurosceptics (Exit from the European Union). They supported Finland’s entry into NATO. Russia’s brutal aggression in Ukraine highlights the issues of national pride and sovereignty of the far right, which translate into anti-migration policies while offering protection from neighboring Russian imperialism.

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