1680218568 Trump on impeachment Its an attack on our country

Trump on impeachment: ‘It’s an attack on our country’

Former President Donald Trump at a rally in Texas last Saturday.Ex-President Donald Trump at a rally in Texas last Saturday Evan Vucci (AP)

Donald Trump’s reaction to his historic accusation, the first by a former US president, was not long in coming this Thursday. The tycoon, who was confined to his Mar-a-Lago mansion in Palm Beach, Fla. for months, has released a statement describing the New York grand jury’s decision as “political persecution and electoral interference at the highest level.” York to prosecute him for paying porn actress Stormy Daniels $130,000 to buy his silence on an alleged extramarital affair between them.


He has also responded with a inflammatory message on Truth Social, the social network he founded after being banned from Twitter following the Capitol attack (capital letters are his): “These radical left thugs have the 45 states , the Republican candidate [a las elecciones de 2024] by far the best placed to be the next President. THIS IS AN UNPRECEDENTED ATTACK ON OUR COUNTRY. ALSO IT IS AN ATTACK ON OUR ENT TIMES FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS. THE UNITED STATES IS NOW A THIRD WORLD NATION. AND A NATION IN SERIOUS DEGREE. IT IS SO SAD!”

Looser claims the statement that since walking down Trump Tower’s gold escalator, a gesture announcing his intention to run for the White House in 2015, “the radical left Democrats – enemies of the working men and women of this country – have engaged in a witch hunt to destroy the Make America Great Again slogan [Hagamos grande de nuevo a Estados Unidos]“. This motto, summed up in the acronym MAGA, continues to ignite his loyal fan base, which he has called to protest over the past few weeks from his account on the social network Truth in response to his arrest, which is expected to take place in the coming days.

He addresses them in his final statement when he writes (again, the capital letters are his): “You remember as much as I do: Russia, Russia, Russia; the Müller hoax [aquí se refiere a las acusaciones de interferencia del Kremlin en la campaña que o llevará. la presidencia]; Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine; the impeachment scam 1; impeachment fraud 2 [Trump es el único presidente que sobrevivió a dos juicios políticos, uno por la supuesta trama rusa, y el otro, por su presunta implicación en el asalto al Capitolio]; the illegal and unconstitutional raid on Mar-a-Lago [cuando en agosto, el FBI registró legalmente su residencia en busca de cientos de documentos clasificados de sus años en la Casa Blanca]; and now this.”

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“Democrats have lied, cheated and stolen in their obsession to ‘get Trump,’ but now they’ve done the unthinkable – they’ve charged a completely innocent person in an act of blatant election interference,” it said. “Never before in our nation’s history has this happened. The Democrats have cheated countless times over the decades, including spying on my campaign, but they have armed our justice system to punish a political opponent who happens to be a President of the United States and is by far the leading Republican presidential candidate. this has never happened. Never”.

Trump also attacks Alvin Bragg, who is responsible for his impeachment, and links him to the figure of progressive billionaire of Hungarian descent, George Soros, who donated to Bragg’s campaign when, as a Democrat, he was serving as district attorney in the election won. “Manhattan’s Attorney Alvin Bragg, handpicked and funded by George Soros, is an embarrassment. Instead of stopping the unprecedented crime tide sweeping New York City, he’s doing Joe Biden’s dirty work and ignoring the murders, robberies, and assaults he should be focusing on. This is how Bragg is wasting his time!”

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