Secret Kremlin hacking program leaked

Secret Kremlin hacking program leaked

Together with a Moscow IT company, the hackers are supposed to enable attacks on critical infrastructure on behalf of Russia. This emerges from secret data that has now been published.

According to a media report, Russian secret services are planning worldwide hacking operations together with a Moscow IT company, which is also expected to allow attacks on critical infrastructure facilities. According to research by a team of journalists from “Spiegel”, “ZDF”, “Süddeutsche Zeitung” and other international media, this is the result of a leak of data from the Russian security apparatus.

The leaked documents describe an offensive cyber program, for example, which also aims to enable attacks on critical infrastructure facilities, reports “Spiegel”. According to the documents, one of the goals of the program is to use special software to derail trains or paralyze airport computers. However, it is unclear if the program is being used against Ukraine, for example.

Thousands of pages from IT company NTC Vulkan

The data leak is therefore thousands of pages of internal documents from Moscow IT company NTC Vulkan, such as project plans, software descriptions, instructions, internal emails and company bank transfer documents. According to the report, the documents show how Russian secret services plan and carry out hacking operations around the world with the help of private companies.

An anonymous source first leaked most of the so-called “Vulkan files” to the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” shortly after the start of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine and then made the data available to other media, reports “Spiegel”. The source cited Russia’s war of aggression and Vulkan’s close ties with the secret services as the reason. Several western intelligence services confirmed to the research team that the documents are authentic.
