A delicate quest full of humanity

A delicate quest full of humanity

The room decimated approaches the need to know one’s origins with beauty, humanity, grace and great tenderness.

Seen at the Théâtre Périscope until Saturday, the creation of the Compagnie Les Gorgones sensitively immerses itself in the world of adoption.

At her grandmother Rose’s funeral, Marie-Anne learns that her mother has been adopted. The shock is blinding. A blast that leads him to embark on an endless quest to discover the origins of his and his mother.

His mother Lise had put an end to his personal endeavors 20 years earlier. The file is closed, as reminded by her father Pierre, who does not support his daughter’s quest to bring back some suffering.

This first text by Marie-Ève ​​​​Chabot Lortie, who also signs the staging, tells her story.

D.écimées lasts 2h10 with a break and unfolds in different forms. We expertly integrate video segments with historical accounts and recreate a radio show and TV shows from ICI RDI’s 24/60 and Claire Lamarche’s famous reunion show. Catherine Côté, who plays multiple roles, excels in the role of this TV personality.

Well made and varied

We recreate the touching scene where Lise was adopted. Contemporary dance artist Catherine Dagenais-Savard offers a haunted and dreamlike presence of this adoptive mother of Aboriginal origin.

Agnès Zachary and Éric Leblanc play Marie-Anne’s parents. Lise Castonguay, Catherine Côté, Élie St-Cyr and Jocelyn Paré play multiple characters.

The actors develop in an environment where wood is very present, with a coffee maker, a tombstone, an IV stick and even a turntable represented by this material. Mathieu Turcotte’s music is of great beauty and well intertwined.

The creation, which approaches documentary theater, is well composed and varied by the different forms of expression. We tell and act out a concrete and real story that ends with a scene full of light.