Quebec is making new offers for public sector workers on

No More Forums, Quebec and Unions Will Discuss at Negotiating Tables

The forums are over, says François Enault, first vice-president of the Confederation of National Trade Unions (CSN). That’s part of the past.

We’ve eliminated a major trap, adds Robert Comeau, President of the Alliance of Professional and Technical Personnel in Health and Social Services (APTS).

This element has been a nuisance in negotiations between Quebec and the 600,000 civil servants whose contract expires on March 31 or Friday. Treasury Board President Sonia LeBel presented these discussion forums as parallel negotiation tables where she wanted to address priority issues in the areas of education and health.

The unions declined to take part, accusing the government of creating a red herring to avoid discussing their priorities.

It’s clear that the forums no longer exist, notes Eric Gingras, President of the Central Trade Unions of Quebec (CSQ).

“We took a pebble out of our shoes. »

— A quote from Éric Gingras, President of the Central Trade Unions of Quebec

Priorities remain, emphasizes LeBel

Since the unions did not come to the forums, I took the forums to them, explained the Treasury Secretary.

Sonia LeBel does not see this as a failure of her strategy, as she is sticking to her three priorities, previously articulated as the Classroom Team, the Care Team, and the Mental Health Team.

We’re discussing the same issues, she insists. The teams that were in the forums will be returned to the central tables. […] I still think that’s the right strategy.

In addition, the government’s latest offers, which include in particular an extension of premiums for nurses, have been put on the negotiating table, unlike those made in February.

New step?

Once the forums are full, we can move on, thinks CSN’s François Enault.

The President of the Quebec Federation of Labor (FTQ), Magali Picard, reacted that it was time for the government to realize that the negotiations were taking place at the tables.

We’re in solution mode, she adds, and we’re now waiting for the government to pick up the pace, come up with acceptable deals, and end the distractions.

The Common Front, representing 420,000 Quebec government employees, continues to call for improved working conditions, including wage increases to offset inflation. The group calls for annual indexation of wages based on the consumer price index (CPI) and improvements in parental rights, pensions and collective insurance.

So far, there is no indication that the new offers from Quebec meet these priorities, the unions say.

However, the President of the APTS is optimistic: where there is dialogue, there is hope.

The next few weeks will be exciting, predicts CSQ’s Éric Gingras.