Black Cherry Definition and Explanations Techno Sciencenet

Black Cherry – Definition and Explanations –


Prunus serotina
    Prunus serotina in flower
Classic classification
Division (Division is a composition law that maps two numbers to the product of the first by…)magnolia
Familyrose family
Binomial name (In taxonomy (botany, zoology, etc.) the binomial name or binomial comes from…)
Prunus serotina
Honor., 1788
Phylogenetic classification (Phylogenetic classification is a classification system of beings…)
Familyrose family

THE Autumn Cherry (Autumn is one of the four seasons in temperate zones. It falls between summer and…), black cherry Or late cherry (Prunus serotina) is a species of tree (In life sciences, the species (from lat. species, “species”…) of tree (A tree is a terrestrial plant capable of growing tall by itself, en.. .) native to the east of the continent (The word continent comes from the Latin continere, meaning “to hold together” or continens…) North American Sometimes confused with Prunus padus.


The black cherry is native to the Americas (America is a separate continent, to the west, from Asia and…) North (North is a cardinal point, opposite of South.), where it can be found under different backgrounds (In intonation, basic Changes in frequency are perceived as variations of…) bushy varieties or dominant trees. The natural range of this species in North America is south (south is a cardinal point, opposite north) from Quebec and Ontario in Canada to Texas and Florida in the United States.

One of its subspecies, Prunus serotina subsp. capuli is the American black cherry or capulin.


The black cherry is a tree native to Europe (Europe is a terrestrial region that can be considered as…) and can grow up to 35 m tall (height has several meanings depending on the area covered.). UNITED STATES.

The deciduous leaves are leathery, shiny above, and have forward-pointing teeth.

The flowers are white, slightly stalked (3-6 mm), collected in clusters 10-15 cm.

The fruit (In botany, the fruit is the plant organ that protects the seed….) Bitter is colored (The color is the subjective perception the eye has of one or more wave frequencies… ) Red (The color red responds to different definitions depending on the paint system we manufacture…) dark to black and 8-10mm wide.

In the United States, where the tree is a native species, it is prized for its many uses. The heartwood of the tree has been used in carpentry and furniture making since colonial times and is considered a shadow (A shadow is a dark area created by pasting an opaque object (or just…) that is thick red when buffed.Up on the market it can fetch a very high price of over eighty US dollars per 100 cm2.

The fruit of this species is also a common seasonal ingredient in American cuisine. It is often fished in the region in summer to be used in cherry pies (The cherry is the edible fruit of the cherry tree. It is the most important after the strawberry…), in jams and preserves and in glazed creams is a medium-sized building intended for one family dwelling, …). It is also used commercially as a flavoring for liqueurs and soft drinks.

In the southern United States, the wood of this tree is often used for smoky grilling (smoke, sometimes called smoke in North America, is a particulate cloud…) of meat, pork ribs (the pig (from Latin porcus)) is also domestic pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) or pig of…), especially from behind (in anatomy, in vertebrates including humans, the back is the part…).

Invasive species in Europe

It was introduced in Europe in 1629 as a plant (Plants (Plantae Haeckel, 1866) are multicellular beings at the base of the…) ornamental or of commercial interest (A tradesman is a person whose trade is connected with the sale.) the hope that his wood is as popular as in the USA. But it has become one of the most important invasive plants of forests and fringes in the last 40 years – as in the Southwest (The Southwest is the direction halfway between the cardinal points South and West. The …) from France, Holland or Germany .

Its invasiveness seems to be favored by several factors:

  • its voluntary introduction to the environment;
  • the nature and history of the soil in question; it is much more invasive on old podsols planted with conifers;
  • the nature of ecolandscape heterogeneity of the environment and forest fragmentation