GPT Chat From Fake News to the Power of a

GPT Chat: From Fake News to the Power of a Thousand!

Out of 2001, a space odyssey, I’m afraid of robots. Remember HAL 9000, that super powerful computer with “artificial intelligence”?

As he slips, he kills people. It’s scary.

Well, with Chat GPT’s artificial intelligence, our nightmares come true.


This week, 1,000 big tech names from around the world (like Elon Musk or Yoshua Bengio) wrote an open letter calling for a six-month moratorium on artificial intelligence (AI) development.

“AI systems that rival human intelligence can pose a great risk to humanity,” they wrote.

Admit we’re not far from our old friend Hal’s red light…

Ever since the launch of Chat GPT, the media has enjoyed asking all sorts of questions. La Presse revealed yesterday that the AI ​​provided it with a list of personalities “who have been hit by allegations of sexual misconduct in recent years” … although it was wrong. That’s “fake news” to the power of a thousand! Dangerous and defamatory!

On my show on QUB radio, comedian Guy Nantel did a fun but disturbing exercise.

He asked Chat GPT to praise Justin Trudeau. The software brought him a text praising the merits of this “progressive” prime minister. Then, when Guy made the same request about Trump, Chat GPT turned it down.

Guy asked Chat GPT to write a joke about Trump. The artificial intelligence made a joke. Then when Guy made the same request regarding Trudeau… Chat GPT declined.

In short, Chat GPT has an ideological bias (favorable to the left and unfavorable to the right).

Depending on the topic you propose to Chat GPT, this artificial intelligence will either happily perform or answer you: “As an AI, I must be impartial and not take sides or use offensive or discriminatory language”.

Chat GPT is tilting to the left as is Le Devoir, UQAM and QS combined!

When Guy Nantel Chat asked GPT who I was, the software replied, “Sophie Durocher is a Quebec journalist and columnist distinguished for her candor, humor and passion for current affairs”. So far, so good. But when Guy asked him what controversies I’ve been associated with, the made-from-scratch software he attributed to me stormed!

For example, I allegedly made inflammatory statements on the show Les Ex, while I never took part in that Radio Canada show that featured ex-politicians. I’ve never been in politics!


Chat GPT clearly has an ideological bias and clearly speaks untruths. What if tomorrow a fascist organization or a dictatorship or a criminal organization was hiding behind a software like Chat GPT, wouldn’t that freak you out?

I remind you that Stanley Kubrick’s film, inspired by a book by Arthur C. Clarke, dates back to 1968…

Clarke and Kubrick predicted 55 years ago that one day, when the machine is to be man’s slave, man will be the slave (and victim) of the machine.

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