Marie Mai opens up about the ups and downs of her

Marie-Mai opens up about the ups and downs of her friendship with Julie Snyder and reflects on her tribute –

Marie-Mai was treated to a lively tribute to La Semaine des 4 Julie live at Noovo on Wednesday night. See pictures at the end of the article.

After the show, the singer revisited with us the importance of Julie Snyder in her career.

“I think our relationship is beautiful,” she says at first, “because it wasn’t always easy, we often insisted on a lot of deals, especially when I left Productions J [en mars 2018, NDLR]. »

“My contract was up so technically I wasn’t breaking anything but I understood the impact it would have on his business, but I did it when I was going through a period of transition in my personal life and I needed a solid foundation and I felt Productions J was unstable due to a lot of flat situations. I was also unstable, so I needed a solid structure. I did this “move” and it hurt me. I’ve been with her for 15 years and I’m really very loyal in life. I had something inside me telling me I was there. It wasn’t easy afterwards, but looking back I understood that it was exactly what we had to do, for her and for me,” she says.

She adds: “The respect between her [Julie] and I never left even if it was “hard”. Even if we were hurt on one side or the other, and that is the true feminine power. It means being able to talk about your feelings and then move on and see the person for something other than the adversity you’ve been through. »

She then recalls all the surprises that Julie Snyder and her team offered her on Wednesday night, from Math Duff interpreting one of her songs to the visit of Marianik Giffard, a very important person in her career, who just Las Vegas rarely leaves . “For me just sitting on the couch and getting so much love from him [à Julie] and production – because I know what it takes to find the archives, do the editing, etc. – my god, that makes me proud, proud of us, proud of what we’ve done, proud of my team , proud of my family. It’s a huge gift. I am particularly pleased that it comes from Julie. »

His manager Shannie Ladouceur states that Marie-Mai does not like surprises very much, but that she agreed to get involved in the project because it was Julie Snyder and Productions J. is told: if there is a team that I will can do it give me up it’s with this team I’ve spent 15 years with. Then she really let herself go. »

Marie-Mai continues by mentioning another person who was present on Wednesday and who is very important to her: “Julie is of considerable importance in my career but also a person who accompanies and accompanies me in several phases of my life has, including “The Voice”. and “Star Academy”, it’s Stéphane Laporte [qui est concepteur et producteur de “La semaine des 4 Julie”]. If there’s anyone who believed in me, it’s him, even before it got to Julie. »

Check out Julie Snyder’s guests for her final week on the air here. One of them personally asked the presenter to be present.

Marie-Mai unveiled a new song on Thursday, which you can discover here.